
Anyone still around?


So, its been a while guys. A LOOONG time. Very sorry for the long time I took but I really wasn't feeling in my usual writing mood or spirit. I have good news and bad news. Good News, my writing spirit has came back a little and I've been able to write well again and enjoy it. Bad News, I have literally no time on my hand to write anything due to school. I have a book in the work, but I have no idea when I'll finish it. So, I'm just going to post what I have and just keep posting as I make more chapter. It's called "The New Teen Titans" I'll post everyday until I run out of chapters to post, then don't expect chapters for a while. If you're still here, thanks for staying around and I hope this is good enough for you. See ya!


@SuperheroFanboy  Yeah if you don't have time to finish it then take your time


@SuperheroFanboy I'm checking it out as we speak


@TheCoolMaster0 Thanks! I just posted the first chapter of the new book, and if you want you should share it around so others could enjoy!


So, I got some bad news. So, I made a Marvel book a while back that didn't do as good as I planned. So, I canceled my Marvel books and I am staying strictly to DC. Bad news is that I'm so behind on books and its getting hard keep up on my writing. Plus. I've been in a very bad slump lately where I have no passion to write rn. So, rn I'm going on a little break til I get myself together. I promise though when I return I'll have so much books for you guys to read. I promise! But for now, see you guys when I return.