
If I started posting in my supernatural smuts again, would people read it? I feel like my page is dead lmaooo. Love you guys though <3


          Damn guys! Thanks for 200 followers.. never thought I'd even get to 100. I'm sorry I've been inactive lately. I've been getting pretty busy with myself and I haven't been able to come up with writing details. I guess I'm having writer's block! But I do read EVERYONE'S comments and I see you guys in my feed and I reply if I think I should. I truly appreciate all the support on my smut book! 80,000 views... holy shot glass drank by Dean Winchester. I should probably sleep because I have soccer practice tomorrow at 9 am and it's 3:20 am but I can't (I hate insomnia) so please talk to me, I'm bored as hell ;-;


Thanks for 50 followers! Holy sheit. Should i do something? Plz tell me... I'm not mean trust me. I just wanna interact with you guys, and so stuff.... thangs.. -Rick Grimes 
            Okay I'm sorry. I write smut, but I'm not a sexual harasser..
                  Second reminder to check out and keep being updated on my book Jared's Difficulty  <3


@SupernaturalEmpire I would absolutely love to read! I will as soon as I upload my third part to my SPN.:)


Thank you and you too! Talk soon!


@alyssawade25 haha same! Goodnight, and good luck on your writing!


Same here! Going to sleep gotta wake up and write more tomorrow lol:)