
@Maya_And_Chester2 I am feeling great! Thank you.
          Interesting stuff, let's see. So, I posted two photos of West Indian Lantanas on Deviantart and for the first time, more than 2 people favourited it. I know it's not much but I joined Deviantart just 2 months ago and now I know that more people are seeing my work! Progress!
          Oh, I've had lots of random thoughts today (it comes with being a crazy genius). Problem is, they come and go randomly so it's pretty hard to catch them and put them in a jar. But I did have some thoughts. If Yue becomes the moon, does that mean that she's the original waterbender now? What happens to Yue when the moon waxes and wanes? And how on earth is Sokka able to fight with a boomerang? The thing can only return if there is no obstacle in his path. But somehow, he still manages to fight villains with it and it still returns to his hand.
          Also, what would I look like in another Universe? Would I be a boy? Not a human being? A gelatinous blob monster?