
Screw it, Imma binge Clone Wars before I start writing the fanfic lmao


So I got a 89 on my Algebra Test today!!
           And I've been hoping to come back with a fanfic maybe? I was thinking about a Star Wars Fanfic (set during rebels cause that's the only one I've watched lmao)
          Is anyone interested?


@SupernovaTheRaptor That would be cool! I would totally read it!!


Arggggg Guess who's failing Algebra againnnn
          I try really hard, and no matter what I still get buried!! :/


            To find how many terms there are in a polynomial you add up the amount of # separated by a plus or minus sign
            For example
            2ab + 4 -3b is a trinomial, three terms
            2ab - 4 is a binomial/two terms
            2a × b - 4 is still a binomial because 2a×b is equal to 2ab
            2ab -2 - 2 is still a binomial even though it has three separate
             numbers because simplified it is 
            2ab - 4
            To find the degrees you find out which term has the highest amount of exponents
            For example
            A^2 + a^3   is a third degree because
            The second term has a higher exponent
            bd^2 + a^2    while it may look like it is also to the second power it is actually to the third power because
            The b in the first term is to the first term and when we add up all of the exponents from the first term we get
            1+2 is equal to three
             And three exponents is higher then 
            a^2 which only has two exponents
            Did that help?


@Raptor71 Mostly it's just how she teaches, the homework only counts for participation and the tests are most of our grade. But we're doing factoring right now and I'm super lost on all the types :/


@SupernovaTheRaptor Which part/s are you having problems with?


Hey guys, sorry it's been a small forever. I was failing a class and I had to bring the grade back up, which was difficult cause i hate math so muchhhh
          Anyways uh... How are you guys doing?


@Raptor71 That's good! And thanks! I'm gonna try really hard to keep it up this quarter too :)


            Thank you, I am doing well. My grandfather always told me to study hard even if I don't plan to go to college, why? He told me it was because it gives you Options. Good job with the class!


Hello there


@Necroximus I'm doing better as well ^^


@SupernovaTheRaptor I’m doing better, how are you?


Hey guys?
          So I've started questioning a lot about myself lately, and that includes my sexuality.
          I know I'm asexual. I think I've always known that. My parents are fine with ace.
          But... There's one friend that I'm kinda sorta crushing on? But she's a girl. And I think she's straight. And I only know her through Wattpad. Idk what to do. I don't even know what she looks like. I'm just attracted to her personality honestly. 
          Does that change my sexuality?? If so, what to? Im so confused lol, please send help.


@SupernovaTheRaptor hm, sounds like you may be panromantic!


            Can you pm me real quick? 