
Sorry about not updating anything. Been busy with school and have honestly forgotten I had this account at all. xD Sorry.


Finishing up Stopping right now to just get it out of the way. But just because I'm publishing this chapter, doesn't mean that I'm continuing my writing; not until after school is over... I just, want to get this out there, this last part of Stopping... Please, if you don't read all of that, read the last chapter at least.


          I promise to remember Percy
          whenever I'm at sea
          I promise to remember Annabeth
          whenever a spider comes at me
          I promise to protect nature
          for Grover's sake of course
          I promise to remember Luke
          when my heart fills with remorse
          I promise to remember Chiron
          whenever I see a sign that says "free pony ride"
          I promise to remember Tyson
          whenever a friend says they'll stick by my side
          I promise to remember Thalia
          whenever a friend is scared of heights
          I promise to remember Clarisse
          whenever I see someone that gives me a fright
          I promise to remember Bianca
          whenever I see a sister scold her younger brother
          I promise to remember Nico
          whenever I see someone who doesn't get along with others
          I promise to remember Zoe
          whenever I watch the stars
          I promise to remember Rachel
          whenever a limo passes my car
          I promise to remember everyone who fought in the Wars when someone protects another
          Yes, I promise to remember PJO
          wherever I may go.


I just now realized that not only have I gotten better at writing, I've gotten better at making covers. Like, the past three years have helped me become a better author but also become better at visualizing things. This is one of the few times I'm glad I've grown up and become mature - even is just a tiny bit on both instances.