In this thriller series, kick-ass Signy Shepherd, a volatile, young conductor on a modern Underground Railroad, helps shuttle abused women out of danger. 

My debut novel, Blown Red, was published by Simon & Schuster, Canada in January, 2015. Dark Territory, the second in the Signy Shepherd series comes out January 12, 2016.

Blown Red and Dark Territory are available wherever books are sold. Please visit me at for ordering details.

For a glimpse into the sillier side of my writing life check out
  • JoinedJuly 29, 2014


Stories by Susan Philpott
DARK TERRITORY by SusanPhilpott
Cut off from the Line, what will Signy Shepherd do when the very people she protects become more dangerous th...
Blown Red by SusanPhilpott
Blown Red
Like a runaway train, Signy Shepherd has been blowing through danger signals all her life. Recruited to the L...
ranking #522 in railroad See all rankings