Guys, I'm sorry for bothering you but I just have this funny story to tell that I find absolutely hilarious. It's the type that's not so funny but you just have to share or it feels suffocating. So...
Today, in my third hour, my teacher was talking to my class about our future and what we want to be.
My teacher: what do you want to be?
Me: I just want to be retired.
My teacher: how are you going to do that?
Me: I'll have lots of kids and also adpot some more kids. My children will have lots of kids, so I will have lots of grandkids too. Then, my kids and grandkids can take care of me.
My teacher: wow... You just marry a very rich man then.
Me: *laught my windshield laugh like Jin*. Yeah, that would be nice.
Me: * whisper under my breathe* I should get a sugar daddy.
So yeah... That was it. I hope you guys find it funny, and if you don't, I'm sorry for wasting your time.
I love you all. Please stay healthy. ❤❤❤❤❤❤