
Hello, I'm back from a very long... long... break. I finally got the motivation to write all of the endings for ANLL. Thanks to all those who kept waiting, and I"m sorry it took so long to finally push out those last couple of chapters. That being said, Yoongi's ending is up!


Hello, I'm back from a very long... long... break. I finally got the motivation to write all of the endings for ANLL. Thanks to all those who kept waiting, and I"m sorry it took so long to finally push out those last couple of chapters. That being said, Yoongi's ending is up!


Do you have an update schedule for Long Night Lament? I'm really loving it so far!


@SkyeIsAwesome_YT Yes! I try to be as consistent as possible with updating now. I tend to update Friday night (PST) or Saturday. Thanks for reading! <3


how do you only have 6 followers when your write such interesting stories?!?!?


ah thank you! (I’m sorry it took me literally months to answer but my email wasn’t activated and I kept forgetting to activate it lol) although I don’t have that many followers I’m thankful for the ones that do follow me! I’d love stories that make people happy! 


ah thank you! (I’m sorry it took me literally months to answer but my email wasn’t activated and I kept forgetting to activate it lol) although I don’t have that many followers I’m thankful for the ones that do follow me! I’d love stories that make people happy!