
@magicpupy . Sure I'll read yours :) It'll have to be tomorrow though but I'll defo read and comment.. x


          I just thought I'd stop by to let you know that I uploaded a short story yesterday. Wattpad didn't send the notification mail and some people didn't get the message I broadcasted to my fans either. 
          It's a short story, named "Letters to be told", and supposed to be sad.  In my opinion, it's different from most stories on here., (in a good way, I hope) It's only 6 pages long, so really not that time-consuming. 

          Since I've had a hard time working on it, I'd love to know what you think. 
          have a nice day/evening, 


Oh ye and lovin the story :D it be full of awesomeosity. wish i could write stories... should actually attempt a story shouldn't i. Erm tht is all, i think, finally, sorry lol. Oh well you live all the randomness really xx


Teehee i'm your fan!! :p fun times bestiest friendling. I enjoy your location xD may i be second star to the right? And i have to say tht all the quotes and stuff define your saecasm and brilliance to a T!! Sorry for any spelling errors btw i'm on ipod touch and can't type properly lol. See you tommorow, you better bring my maths book!! Xox