
Hi there, 
          	so I've posted some new content since my return and there's more to come. I've added new poems to some older poetry collections of mine (roaming poems for example) and a few to my new collection (Under the Weather). I hope you like them and keep on reading my poetry. To those who do: I really appreciate it!


Hi there, 
          so I've posted some new content since my return and there's more to come. I've added new poems to some older poetry collections of mine (roaming poems for example) and a few to my new collection (Under the Weather). I hope you like them and keep on reading my poetry. To those who do: I really appreciate it!


I'm back! I can't believe it's been so long since I've uploaded something. A lot has been going on and time really flies.
          I'm starting a new poetry collection here on Wattpad. I've uploaded one poem and there's more to follow. I hope you give it a read enjoy it.


I just published the last poem of "Dead Sentences". 
          I want to thank you all for supporting it by voting, commenting and by simply reading it, which meant a lot to me.  
          I decided to complete it with the poem "I love you not". Keep in mind that love can transform as quickly as the seasons change and that is a sad thing to experience. So love as much as you can, for you can never love enough!


"Aground and Unchained" means a lot to me because it's the first one I didn't write alone, InspiredSilence and I wrote this one together. We published it on both of our profiles. He was great to work with and I couldn't have picked anyone better.
          It was a great experience that lasted for exactly 3 hours. 2 and a half of those hours were us mailing each other the verses of the poem back and forth, half an hour was me designing the cover and InspiredSilence typing it all manually again because his phone wouldn't work. 
          It felt unfamiliar to have someone to write with, someone that inspires you and you inspire back, but it couldn't have worked out any better.
          It'd be wonderful if you could give it a read. 
          Here's the link:
