
I’ve been working on something new lately, just wanting to get back into writing again, but since I’ve been offline for the last like five years… idk who’d really want to read it.
          	Idk if it’s any good either, seeing as I’ve been a bit mentally broken for so long and all that, but it’s just a little five part story to dip my toe back in. 
          	Anyone interested in reading anything from my silly mind again? 
          	It’s not 100% finished but I know where it’s going… 


@Susurrations i would definitely be interested in reading it.


@Susurrations You had such a unique  and refreshing style back then, of course I would be glad to know what is on your mind and  how you write now.


I’ve been working on something new lately, just wanting to get back into writing again, but since I’ve been offline for the last like five years… idk who’d really want to read it.
          Idk if it’s any good either, seeing as I’ve been a bit mentally broken for so long and all that, but it’s just a little five part story to dip my toe back in. 
          Anyone interested in reading anything from my silly mind again? 
          It’s not 100% finished but I know where it’s going… 


@Susurrations i would definitely be interested in reading it.


@Susurrations You had such a unique  and refreshing style back then, of course I would be glad to know what is on your mind and  how you write now.


Lonerisms was probably my favorite book I've read in Wattpad. Dear queer was also great, I'm happy I managed to read it every time Wattpad tried to strike it down.
          It's depressing to realize that it's Wattpad's fault for you not writing anymore 


@dance_dance96 I just now saw your response. I genuinely do hope you come back and make another book. Maybe you could bring back dear queer or write more of lonerisms. Either way I'll support it!


I wouldn’t say it was wattpad’s fault, at least not fully. They thought my work went against their guidelines, which is fair. I disagreed but there isn’t a process to disagree on this website so I just had to live with it. Then each time publishing it again, to see it get taken down again, I just gave up. I’ve considered coming back a lot lately but I just don’t want to go through that same thing again and again. Maybe it’s changed since like four years ago? Idk ahaha. Cx


do I come back every year to see if you've published? yes I do. <33


I have given it up I’m afraid. Sometimes I come back and check my notifs but sadly I’m not actively writing anymore. My latest story kept getting deleted so it broke my spirit and I don’t write at all anymore