
If anyone has suggestions for songs for me to Google Translate, please tell me. : )  I'll be doing more in the future.




Woah! 489 views on the MRETS Message Decoder Game!! Thank you guys so much for the support.
          Also, I hate to shamelessly self-advertise, but I'm currently trying to finish Mantid #1 up right now, so expect me to upload quite a few new chapters to it soon.


Hi guys! I apologize for not updating either Mantid, Open Space, or my Google Translate thing. I've been quite busy, and lately, have been angry enough to punch through a wall, because... Reasons... So, the only thing I could do was the decoder game, since I didn't really have to think to do it. So, again, sorry for not updating my real stories lately. I will try to crank out some  more chapters for both soon, but I might not be able to, because... More reasons... So yeah! Thank you for the support! I hope to write more soon!!