
I'm sorry for no regular updates, just a lot of real life stuff. I'm doing my best to do what I can.


I want someone to talk to about my story ideas and where I want stuff to go. I'm just really nervous about how people will react to it and how critical they will be towards the direction I want to take with ShineCrail. I wanted it to be just another cliché online game story, but I slowly wanted it to become more than that and now that it's gotten so big in my head, I don't know how my fans will receive deviating from the present course to a story that is much more than play the game, beat the final boss, leave, story end.
          Maybe it's just the anxiety talking, but if you've really been a fan of ShineCrail, can you tell me how you would react if I did make the story turn to become grander than it currently seems? I just want to know if I'd be doing the right thing (or the wrong thing) in a genre that can have so much going for it. This story has consumed all other aspects of my writing, and that's both a curse and a blessing because I've had a lot of other ideas that I've been really wanting to pursue, but I don't want them to flop simply because I had one popular story. And if I did start pursuing those ideas, do you think my popularity as a result of ShineCrail would allow them to be well-received?
          Sorry for the really wordy questions, but as a writer these have been on my mind for a while now. Thank you and have a blessed day! :]


          I need art to go before each chapter and I am inept at drawing. If you know anyone who is an amazing artist or you are an artist yourself and you love ShineCrail Online, send some art to me. Tumblr is on the page, I'll include my email address there as well. 