
KeatonTheWolfskin is my reader account and will not be used as my new main account. HarukiKyôkaze will be the one I edit and post stuff on. soon enough I'll be back in business on my new account soon enough. Till than everybody, enjoy life! :3 and keep on doing so!


KeatonTheWolfskin is my reader account and will not be used as my new main account. HarukiKyôkaze will be the one I edit and post stuff on. soon enough I'll be back in business on my new account soon enough. Till than everybody, enjoy life! :3 and keep on doing so!


ATTENTION: Hello my dear readers, followers, and friends! I've managed to get on here on my old phone for a small span of time. Within my drafts I have various series stories with 'chapter 0/info to know' pieces/ parts that will be useful and helpful to read on my new account "HarukiKyôkaze". where I am continuing my works and creating new stories besides the one in my drafts on this one. I will post the chapter 0's mentioned above with/for all that have one and what remains...will be posted/recreated on my other account. the series stories on here with more than 1 chapter and with it just being the first chapter posted, will be continued on my other account in due time...thanks for your patience and following and reading. may you all have a good morning/day/night/weekend where ever those of you read this may be! :3 let the posting begin!


Hello my dear readers and friends, this account will become inactive as of most likely today. I have a new account called 'KeatonTheWolfskin' where I'll continue my other works there. which will include my updates/second chapters to my shifter stories and that name of 'KeatonTheWolfskin' may soon become changed to HarukiHyōKaze depending upon how things play out in these following days. I got a new phone so trying to log in onto it with this account isn't working so I made that Keaton one but don't feel that it 'fits' well. so...blah blah blah basically I'm just switching over to a totally new account. everyone have a good day!


ATTENTION ATTENTION! good news! my muse is starting to come back to me gradually, so soon enough maybe even sooner than I said to some of my followers....more works just might get posted! some one shots here, 'those' two shot collections, perhaps even that three shot I've had a while now...or even some of my series might be posted and get new chapters added when the inspiration hits...which by the as well as things are going might be pretty soon! all the same, Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day everybody!!!! :3


          Happy New Year! To my family! To my friends! To my fellow.upper and lower classman! To the people I've met this year...may God bless each n everyone one of u n may u all have an awesome new year!! Goodbye 2015!!! Hellooo 2016!!! To my fellow juniors just think we've only got one more year!!! My senior friends u will be missed...may u prosper well in life!!! To my lower class men of sophomores n in highschool will go by faster then u think....enjoy it whole while it lasts!!! Everyone keep on being the beautiful/ handsome/awesome/amazing/stunning/wounderful person that u r!!! See y'all this new year!!!!! :3
          Happy New Year (2015-2016):


My first story, "Someday I Swear, I'll Make You Mine" is a oneshot, along with several others that will be posted, "Chemical Prisoner" is going to be one of the several on going storied of mine...but will most likely not be updated till Jan. 1st, (my self proclaimed motivater/deadline that I've established to have all the other works that I'm working on to post by the time this day occurs. My profile will most likely change as well as an 'update' to indicate a spoiler as to the types of stories that I'll write about. (Anime, horror/gore, action, supernatural...) so with that all said, enjoy your morning/afternoon/evening/night/day!! :3
