
Hello peeps! Haven’t updated in a while, I kinda fell out of the fandom but good news! I’m finally making an actual cover for reformed student, I’ll be posting the cover and the next chapter at the same time! If you have any ideas of what to put on the cover feel free to share them!


Hello peeps! Haven’t updated in a while, I kinda fell out of the fandom but good news! I’m finally making an actual cover for reformed student, I’ll be posting the cover and the next chapter at the same time! If you have any ideas of what to put on the cover feel free to share them!


Hi i hope you are doing good. I just wanted to ask if you could read my story 'This Love' I would be so grateful. Thankyou, have a great day. 


@SweetCaramelz Thankyou so much for deciding to read it means alot. The first few chapters are bad but I promise after that the story and the writing both get better. And yes i would love your feedback. Thankyou once again and hope you enjoy my story 


@maham_07 yeah sure, would you like any feedback on it or something?