
Jan 6th, 2025
          	Happy Alex-mas!!!
          	You can find an Alex's birthday scene in chapter 28 of my fic Nothing You've Come To Expect 
          	Happy birthday Alex, our infinite source of inspiration ♡


Ho ho ho
          Hope you're enjoying the holidays! Just stopping by for a little update. 
          I have rewritten *most* of the next chapter for Perfect Sense... but the frustration of having lost all the progress is still very high. I feel like I had it written just right the first time and the rewrite is not the same. I'm also inevitably less inspired, ugh. But we'll see how it'll come out.
          I had to take a break from writing in the last few weeks 'cause I have been swamped, but soon I will go back on the chapter and will try to finish it. 
          Thank you for your patience! 
          And happy holidays!


@SweetDreamsCA I don't know how I missed this alert!! I am so sorry you lost all the progress and are still frustrated :( Take your time, too - you should feel good about it all, too (even if it is not the same). Can't wait for you to update! No pressure ever! Hope you had an amazing holiday!! And Happy New Year if you celebrate!


Hi everybody 
          I was almost done with the new chapter, but..... I LOST EVERYTHING!!!!!!! I'm not sure what happened in my phone, but all my notes were were deleted, they're all are gone!!!! 
          Not only I had the new chapter almost completed, but I also had lots of ideas, entire scenes and parts for future chapters already written, including the ending, which was beautiful.... I'm feeling crushed at the moment... 
          The the idea of having to re-write everything is very discouraging and overwhelming, I don't know if I can right now, I don't even remember some things... and at the same time I'm afraid that if I wait I will forget even more.
          I don't know. 
          I've tried many ways to retrieve those notes to no avail.
          If you have any suggestion or even just encouraging words, hit me up, I'm feeling very disheartened :(


@HarperB82 I am trying to re-write the next chapter and random future scenes while I still remember them, but it's not the same, I feel like they're not good and were just right as I wrote them the first time. Some stuff is coming back to me some isn't, it's so frustrating  I'm really crushed for having lost all of it.


@SweetDreamsCA, I'm so sorry! But you are such a good writer, and I am sure when you're up for it, it'll come again!! We'll be here waiting when you're ready. <3


@SweetDreamsCA omg I'm so sorry! That sucks!!! Maybe try using a backup? Or do you have another device, a tablet or sth that's synced with your phone? I hope you'll get them back!!! <3


The new chapter of Perfect Sense is almost done, thank you for your patience!! It isn't even long, but I've been so busy lately, I barely had any time to write!! I just need to finish a hot scene :P 
          I'll be back soon with an interesting new painting *googly eyes*


@SweetDreamsCA haha did you get alerted to all the times I had refreshed looking for an update  Take your time!!!


@SweetDreamsCA @HarperB82 I failed! LOL
            Almost done though, I swear!


@SweetDreamsCA Yes!! I'm waiting very patiently   ‍♀️ ⏳⌚ ❣️