Hey I read your comment into replied to mine, but I totally think you should make someday pt 2 where y/n and Milo get married n stuff like that but you do such an amazing job!
Hey thanks so much for your comment! I’ll take your suggestion into consideration with my writing. I’m glad you like it! My writing is definitely a work in progress
Chapter six is finally out and I am actually surprised with the way it ended. I had no plans to end the chapter that way but I love it and I’m here for whenever my procrastination takes me!
Hi just wanted to know if you took down the Dylan Minette book since it says in one of your message that it was discontinued but I'd still like to read it so I was just wondering..
Yes I did start to write the Dylan book but got really bored with it. I planned to have Dylan and Y/n spend their time together on tour and I just unfortunately ran of ideas when it came to writing it.