


I just had the biggest realization that Glamrock Freddy does not speak in contractions and I find that small detail so adorable.
          Although he does have one voice line that does not follow this rule.
          "Gregory, I'm not nearly that annoying, am I?"
          This voice line  No, you're not annoying at all 
          PS. LMAO I'M STILL ALIVE ✨


          We Are Bulletproof | MYG (21+) by BeyondTheSurface2 has gotta be one of the best reads alongside Jikookie19's.
          I didn't expect to cry while reading this piece. I tried looking for the author's name, but it seems they've deleted their account...
          It also explains why the book couldn't be accessed on my laptop and only my phone's library.
          That's it, lol~


TW: Body Dysmorphia; Rant
          I never really liked looking into the mirror, seeing if I had any flaws on me. I was always contented on how I looked, and I'm really happy about that. I usually liked to look for the good and positive things, like my height, leg lengths, curves, all that stuff...
          It just hurts more whenever I'm minding my own stuff, either drawing, or writing, then I'd hear a comment about the way I physically look. Not the way I act, or the way I dressed, but the way my body appeared.
          It really hurts when all the painful words comes from your own mother, the woman you idolized, the woman you respected, the woman you aspired to be when you become a mother in the future.
          After my parents' separation, it's been pretty tough, trying to find ways to distract myself from the sudden change, even having to suddenly cry from time to time. I guess my mom had it worse, too, since she personally saw the cause of their decision to split up.
          I dunno, it just really hurts when she suddenly says out in the blue: "your cheeks are too fat, can't you exercise harder? You're getting a muffin top..., Look at the cellulites on your thighs..."
          If ever I start to look sad or upset, she'd add "What? You're getting mad because it's the truth?" 
          Considering how much my body is in pain everytime I work out, it seems like I'm really garlic to Asian people...
          ...I'm never enough.
          Looks like I ended up writing a potential prologue for a story, huh?
          As much as I wanna stay away from her, it's not really possible since it's only me and her living in the same house...everyday. 
          Don't get me wrong, I love my mother, a lot. It's just her words that get me really bad...
          Yeah, I really wanted to let out some emotions while I still could...
          I'm happy that I love and can learn to love myself, it's just the people around you can really break your walls.
          I'll probably go and take a nap for a while. I am probably getting cranky. 
          Log 2020.01.06 GMT+9 17:30


@SweetSuga_Meow girl...I can relate tbh.. It really hurts 