
Happy Valentines day! I hope you've had a good day regardless, I've been binging New Girl for most of the day while crocheting so it's been bliss for me haha.
          	I bought myself some chocolate when I went to the store earlier and they also had Batman socks, so that was pretty awesome! Why's it so hard to get Batman clothes for Women in stores? All the Batman clothing I have is Men's, yes they're comfy, but it'd be great if we could get them for Women in retail


@Sweet_Cinnamon17 Happy Valentines Day!! I haven't been feeling the greatest today, physically, so it's been a bit of a rough day. Glad you're enjoying your day and found some awesome Batman socks for women! It does seem weird that all the Batman clothing is in men's. Lol.


Happy Valentines day! I hope you've had a good day regardless, I've been binging New Girl for most of the day while crocheting so it's been bliss for me haha.
          I bought myself some chocolate when I went to the store earlier and they also had Batman socks, so that was pretty awesome! Why's it so hard to get Batman clothes for Women in stores? All the Batman clothing I have is Men's, yes they're comfy, but it'd be great if we could get them for Women in retail


@Sweet_Cinnamon17 Happy Valentines Day!! I haven't been feeling the greatest today, physically, so it's been a bit of a rough day. Glad you're enjoying your day and found some awesome Batman socks for women! It does seem weird that all the Batman clothing is in men's. Lol.


I've worked very, very hard on this post about Young Justice's poor Islamic representation and the how much magic related media targets young Muslims away from Islam. 
          It would honestly mean the world to me if you just read it and share it. I feel like it's such an important topic to discuss, even if it's mainly revolving around 1 show. 


Coming soon: A Young Justice season 4 rant (and general thoughts *salutes*) because they've crossed the line and have pissed me off so much to a point where not only am I dealing with a tension headache rn, but it upset and angered me so much that I was in physical pain because of it.
          Coming soon in the next few days!


Exams are DOOOONE! I bought cake, it's also my b-day tomorrow, finally gonna binge watch some shows AND I'm going back to work on Friday! 
          All's good in the world... for now-


@writergirl81 Aww bless, this is so sweet thank you <3


@Sweet_Cinnamon17 congratulations!! And happy early birthday!! You have an amazing time! You deserve it after working so hard ♡♡


this message may be offensive
Happy new year ya'll
          One quote to sum up my year: C'est la vie…. Shit happens.
          (Thank you Rachel Maksy for my quote of the year.)
          My year was pretty bad.
          I had another friend get married and move away, so I lost the pool lol.
          I usually write a whole chapter about my end of year thoughts, but I don't have that many this time.
          Honestly 2021 just hurt me in a way that I didn't realize could hurt me.
          It's just been one hecking trip, and it's not ever yet.
          I've got my first exam in 10 days, I'm so unprepared since my exam board took off two of the books I planned to do, and I only found out about it two days ago so I went from vibing, to being stressed again, but it should all be gucci, well it would be if I could stop watching THis Is Us long enough to study lmao
          I'm just really looking forward to going back to work after all this, my birthday is also the day after my last exam, so yaaay! 
          I would say that I'm hoping this year will be better, but let me be real here, every year is the same for me, the only thing that changes is the small details, so there's really no point in even hoping.
          Stay whelmed <3