
Hey guys! @Sweetauthor2001 here. I am making the decision to remove my book Remembering from Wattpad for good. I honestly feel like the book is too cliché and I have just in general lost interest in the book. Thank you to everyone who read Remembering! Thank you to anyone who commented! I'm going to start focusing more attention on Mirror Image now. Love you, my fantabulous readers ❤️


Hey guys! @Sweetauthor2001 here. I am making the decision to remove my book Remembering from Wattpad for good. I honestly feel like the book is too cliché and I have just in general lost interest in the book. Thank you to everyone who read Remembering! Thank you to anyone who commented! I'm going to start focusing more attention on Mirror Image now. Love you, my fantabulous readers ❤️


I'm bored guys! I have Writer's Block on Mirror Image. Remembering is making me cry because it desperately needs editing. I have no books to make conversations for to add to FNCTSBB... AND I have "Haven't Met You Yet" by Michael Buble stuck in my head. Not to mention I am still drowning in emotions after reading "The One Without Words" by @Destacia ughhhhh *goes to find chocolate* Any good books to recommend? (Maybe I'll have to make a new story or something)


@Sweetauthor2001 Hey, could you read my novel, Mirror? It's ongoing, at 6 chapters right now. It would make me really happy! :)


@Bloody_Mari It's okay. I just really hate seeing people put themselves down. It's one of my pet peeves because I know for a fact that everyone is here for a reason and I'd really hate for that to just go away. If you ever start feeling like that again, just remember that I'm here for you and so is everyone else. :)


@Bloody_Mari Girl, you did NOT just go there. You listen to me RIGHT NOW. I don't care what you're going through in life, you need to know that people LOVE YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE. Do not EVER think we do not love you. You are an AMAZING author and a great person. You are beautiful. Do not EVER tell me that you're worthless. Because you are worth something to me and each and every one of your followers. Do not EVER tell me that you're unloved. Because I love you (not in a weird way) for who you are. And, most importantly, don't ever tell me you're not human. Look down at yourself right now. DO IT. Do you have two feet to walk with? Yes. Do you have two arms to hug and love people who love you back? Yes. Now look in the mirror. DO IT. Do you have two absolutely gorgeous eyes with which to see the world? Yes. Do you have ears? A nose? A mouth with which to voice your opinions? Yes. Yes. And yes. Now put your hand on your chest. DO IT. You feel that? That's your heart. Your heart that reminds you that you're here and you're human. That heart that eventually will be filled with love from someone special. You do yourself a favor and you HOLD ON FOR YOURSELF. And for everyone around you. Because ending your own life is the most selfish thing in the world. There are people out there in the world for YOU. Like me, like everyone who followed you, like that special someone who will one day give you all their attention. You WILL hold on. And you WILL remember that you are LOVED, CHERISHED, AND WORTH IT. I love you along with everyone else.