
Voy a dejar esta aplicación definitivamente. 


@ Sweetlunaa  te echo de menos :(


3 años y te echo de menos…
          Arya vuelve :(


@MarionRouthford  Ojalá un día vuelva :(


Era un amor de persona, te hubiera encantado conocerla… la extraño muchísimo y espero que algún día vuelva a esta plataforma… no es lo mismo sin ella :( 


She always has a smile
          From morning to the night
          The perfect poster child
          That was once in my life
          A doll made out of glass
          All her friends think that she's great
          But I can see through it all
          And she's about to break
          Remember last year when you told me
          To always stay here and never leave me
          The light from your eyes made it feel like
          We-e-e were dancing in the moonlight
          Remember last year when you told me
          That these will be lifelong stories
          The light from your eyes made it feel like
          We-e-e, we're dancing in the moonlight
          You-ou-ou were dancing in the moonlight
          And I, I, I was dancing in the moonlight
          Now she lost her way
          And she forgets to smile
          Never gets a break
          From this life in denial
          A doll made out of glass
          All her friends think that she's great
          But I can see through it all
          And she's about to break, oh!
          Remember last year when you told me
          To always stay here and never leave me
          The light from your eyes made it feel like
          We-e-e, we're dancing in the moonlight
          Remember last year when you told me
          That these will be lifelong stories
          The light from your eyes made it feel like
          We-e-e, we're dancing in the moonlight
          You-ou-ou were dancing in the moonlight
          And I, I, I was dancing in the moonlight
          I, I, I, miss those me-mo-ries
          We used to share
          Just you and me
          I remember last year when I told you
          I would always stay here and never leave you
          I told you the light in your eyes made it look like
          We-e-e, we're dancing In the moonlight
          Remember last year when you told me
          To always stay here and never leave me
          The light from your eyes made it feel like
          We-e-e, we're dancing In the moonlight
          The light from your eyes made it feel like
          Dancing In the moonlight




@Deyanira038  Cualquier cosa (da igual la importancia) que te preocupe, dímelo. No quiero que te pase nada malo.


Ah.. Si.. Tranquila


@Deyanira038  Solo quería saber si estabas bien.


Wow, mira que pasa el tiempo (?


@TheSpringGreen no pienso hacer las pases con el yo estaba de broma hasta que empezo


@TheSpringGreen @malka18 Primero: Dylan, solo eres más pequeño que yo cuatro meses, no soy tan vieja.
            Segundo: Él solo es mi amigo y de las primeras personas con las que roleé cuando llegué a Wattpad.
            Tercero: Amor, ¿cuántas veces te he dicho que sé lo que hago y que no te tienes que enfadar con mis amigos y amigas?
            Cuarto: Hagan. Las. Paces. Nadie es un niñato ni una piedra.


@TheSpringGreen yo no voy a tratar con niñatos 