So, I checked my Insanity book's demographics and... Wow. Even people in Vietnam are reading it! Idk why, but that just amazes me. Thank you all for enjoying my terrible writing, hopefully at some point I'll make a new chapter but atm I'm working on my own original stories and planning them out. I'm just... Like, wow. Y'know? It's awesome to think that people around the world are reading this trash. But I hope that it brightens your day, even just a little bit.
Side note, apparently people in their 30s and 40s are reading it too? And then there was one guy too, I find that sorta funny and straight up cool. That even adults are reading this. I legit just turned 17 last month and started this book when I was like... 15. So, thanks? I guess?
I should probably shut up but it's just so awesome to me. That I can manage to even entertain adults with what I put up. Hope that doesn't sound prideful... Yike, that did sound a bit douchey. Okay, Imma shut up. Have a great day!