
I’m alive!! 
          	I’m gonna try to update she’s all mine. I think I’m going to make it a second book tho. Lmk what you think


@Swendom can you also do she’s my girl


I’m alive!! 
          I’m gonna try to update she’s all mine. I think I’m going to make it a second book tho. Lmk what you think


@Swendom can you also do she’s my girl


I just finished She's all mine, which I think didn't have a proper ending, so I just finished the sequel, which I thought was going to be about Dylan, but no it was about Emma's beginnings at Storeybrook, so they haven't even met, yet, so please tell me that your going to keep writing this story?  I hope so!!!?


I totally understand hitting the writers block wall!! And it's funny, but my senior paper that was half of my grade,  I got stuck on a major part of it, up until the day it was due!!! So believe me I understand that feeling   (I ended up getting 120% on it, so I'd say I got over it)  But I'd love to talk about what's got you hung up and perhaps I could give you my thoughts, from a different perspective that you can possibly get an idea on where you can take the story!!?


Sorry I’m just now seeing this! The sequel is back in my drafts. I have to edit it and post it again. I’ll see what I can do. I stopped writing the prequel due to writers block.


I was talking about how I'm addicted tothe SwanQueen stories!! And yes I KNOW about writer's block!! Think about what you were thinking about getting across with this story when you first started writing it, and IF you've completed it? IF you have then try going to the part that you feel is shaky, and try going at it from a different POV! Just keep going at it until you feel like it's flowing smoothly!! Or at least better than it was.....  


Well I ❤  to edit, but sharing the chapters on here is not to smart, mistybech@gmail.com  is my email and I would ❤ to help you!!!


Ohh okay. I have chapters written it’s just editing that turns me off. I write these long chapters and never get editing them


C. R. Welsh,
          I'm SO addicted to Reg. & Em.'s love Seeing it in all the different authors points of view!! I WAS SO sure that when I was watching the series on ABC, that I remember them kissing, but now knew watched it off of Disney,  and they show Ruby and Lili kissing, but they have Em ending up with Hook, and I felt jumped, so then I found it on ABC, thinking that because I remembered them kissing in the original version that it would be shown there , but no!! Awhile ago I found the Porn version of their love, and oh baby did I LOVED ❤ it, and I think I lent it to a friend,  and I don't know what happened to it, and I do a search for it, and I have Roku, but when I look for it,  it tells me that  there are no results, so I was wondering IF you could help me find what I'm looking for??


I don’t know what story  you’re referring to. What was it about? And was it a hard copy? As in a physical book?


Please just be on a break from this story,  cause it's FAR from being over!! True they've been dating, and just admitted their love for each other,  but they seriously need to get Married, perhaps some more children, we haven't seen what happens to Lilly, I think her and Hector  would be good together! Just get him interested in someone else AND HE stays away from Em!!! I just want to keep reading this, but please enjoy your Christmas!!!


I’ve been trying to think of how to continue it but I don’t know how. I have writer’s block for that story 


this message may be offensive
Oh my gosh you guys have to read Krisnep’s stories on FanFiction.Net. 356 Dias is a amazing and Beautiful Bastard is even better!! They’re an amazing writer. 
          365 Dias: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13941625/23/
          Beautiful Bastard: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13955933/17/


Sorry the links go to where I left off reading.


can you update shes all mine some more lol i love that one so much! best SQ i have read in a while and maybe regina can have one more baby?


I don’t know about another baby, but I can work on updating it


I love that book sm to I read it twice 