My life be like
Sam + Colby's Tik Toks
My life be like
Sam + Colby's Tik Toks
Im a big fat loser yeah
We're all big fat losers yeah
Biiiiiig faaaaaat losers...
I dont know what im doing with my life anymore...
Do we even excist? Are we just a figment of "gods" imagination and he gets a kick out of watching us suffer? Does god excist? How the fuck are we suppose to know this shit?
No wonder I have no friends
@OhmieReads Benchmarks are a big tests the county makes us take to see if we improved and nobody can pass them it is impossible. (I sure they just like torturing us)
Well you know how everyone has a new years resolution, well mine is to stop going out with people because every time I do I end up getting hurt and getting more and more depressed. So yeah that's my new years resolution.