
Wait, I forgot, read previous comment. Also, stay healthy


Hi, not dead, just college. Also, writing fanfic on deviantart a bit to keep my creative juices flowing, like a "Mario: Next Generation" fanfic with made up kids of the characters and a pokemon fanfic. I keep helping out my friend, HollowKnight, out on here so I'm still around. Maybe I'll post my own stuff again someday when I can manage it.


this message may be offensive
Everything has fought alongside Batman. Now I am forced to sit with the knowledge that Batman has met RWBY, the Power Rangers, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the terminator, the predator/alien franchise, and Elmer fucking Fudd. All of them have met Batman. And I must sit with the knowledge that I cannot do that fanfic justice



I…honestly feel so empty right now…I haven’t been able to feel right in so long…only receiving momentary moments of solace when I ignore my own problems…I crave a comfort that I know I can’t find…that I don’t even know if I deserve…I miss the moments I used to have…the joy I used to feel…the emotions I still crave…why do I feel so tired? So…hollowed?
          Coming to you live from my own depressed shell, fishing for some sympathy in hopes of relighting my little spark of life.


Hey @SwordAir, now, I’m no therapist, but I’ve spoken before with friends of mine who’ve suffered through depression. And I just want to say, if you ever feel like you need someone to talk with, about anything really, I’m just a DM away. 


yes my friend i agree with @Jinx09699 and it's ok to ask for help my friend if you want you can talk to me if you want to


@SwordAir i suffered from depression for a long time, still go to dark places from time to time. it doesn't feel like it now, but it passes, you'll feel better again, maybe not great, but atleast ok, it comes and goes. As long as you don't let it take you, you'll get through it.


Imma just be straight with you all, burnout is a b*ch. I am, indeed, trying to write, though I kinda abandoned here for the most part…I am trying, I just never got anywhere with these when I do…but I’m alive and well at the very least, so you got hope, just don’t expect too much out of me, but when you get it, I will make it good


@SwordAir Burnout do be a bitch.


@SwordAir Burnout is a video game? And what happen?