Hey everyone! I know, it's like the first time I've ever really talked on my account, I'm sorry! Anyway, I've seen that a lot of you want to continue my crossover story, "Attack on Yokai". The last time I published a chapter was back in June, and it has been five months since then (Five months?! Great Scott!!). Since then, I relaxed during the summer, I returned to school, and I haven't had any free time since then. But soon, I will have free time, and I promise by then I will start Chapter 5! I'm sorry it took forever, but I will do my best to make the wait worthwhile! I've had plenty of time to decide where I want to go with this story and how to execute it, so now it's really time to start the execution! Keep an eye on my status if you follow me, and if you don't, please do, it would help a lot! Adios, muchachos!