
          	some updates! so, I know we’re getting close to what I said might be the anticipated start date for the next part of new home… but as I feared (and kinda expected), it’s looking a bit ambitious, and it won’t be ready that soon. I am so sorry, I’ve just been so busy with classes and work and… life? so, I’ll keep you updated, but it probably won’t be soon that we see the beginning of the next part of the story.
          	sorry but, as always thank you so much for the patience and support. love you all! <3


@SwordArtWhovian take your time! I wish you good luck with everything 


          some updates! so, I know we’re getting close to what I said might be the anticipated start date for the next part of new home… but as I feared (and kinda expected), it’s looking a bit ambitious, and it won’t be ready that soon. I am so sorry, I’ve just been so busy with classes and work and… life? so, I’ll keep you updated, but it probably won’t be soon that we see the beginning of the next part of the story.
          sorry but, as always thank you so much for the patience and support. love you all! <3


@SwordArtWhovian take your time! I wish you good luck with everything 


my darlings,
          happy new year! I'm a day late, I know - oops!
          so, 2024. let's look ahead at what this year has to offer us! my first priority will be to continue and eventually complete New Home. I don't believe Part 3 will bring us to the end, but it will certainly bring us closer. I've not yet finished outlining it,  but we'll likely have a fourth and final part to bring us to the end. I'm so excited for you all to see what's in store - though that 2/1 release date for chapter 51 may be pushed back a bit.
          as for other fandoms... aside from a few oddball stories for LTNS and B&W, I doubt there will be much more added. I haven't watched an anime in a while and when I do, I don't tend to grow so attached to the characters like I did for Levi, so I doubt inspiration will strike there. (I suppose having a doting bf will do that?)
          as for me, recently I've been enjoying my time off - I took a creative writing class this past semester and have been so excited to try out new styles and techniques for my writing and that extends well past just fanfiction. though I will always adore writing fanfiction, my goal is to write fantasy novels so my priority will likely lay there. I am set to graduate this fall and, as always, have to balance work with it so until the semester starts, I'll do my best to get ahead on my writing before I get too busy!
          as always, thank you all so much for the support. if you like, you can always request pieces from me on kofi, add me on goodreads, even discord if you ask nicely. I still read every comment and see every vote, so even if it seems like I'm away, I still see and appreciate all of the support I receive. Thank you all so much for reading and enjoying and as always, I'll see you in the next update. <3


@SwordArtWhovian Happy New Year! Incredibly thankful that I stumbled  upon your works. You’re going to go far in literature ❤️


Hi! This is so random omg
          Just decided to stop by to let you know that I am so so in love with blue wing and white wing, literally I love it so so so damn much. I'm kind of new to anime world and it so happens that AoT being one of the first ones I've watched (the only one I've watched through all seasons actually) and just like any other fans out there, I am also in love with Levi Ackerman
          Your book was also one of the first ones I've read about Levi, and by far, it's the best one for me. I just love the character development you build, their relationship felt so real with all the struggles and obstacles. I love how you made Levi a person full of love and kindness despite his tough and cold exterior. I love how you made Amaya so realistic, looking perfect on the outside but with raging storm on the inside, yet still very selfless. 
          I really love the whole plot, the flow, the setup and how you slipped your own storyline in the actual original storyline so seamlessly it actually felt like it's a real part of the actual anime.
          All in all, the conclusion is; your story is amazing, I love every part of it!


@byeolinite this makes me so happy to read :)
            thank you so much for reading that goliath of a story and I'm so happy you've enjoyed it so much! it means more to me than you know! <3


my dearest readers,
          hello! i am alive! i made it through the busiest part of the year at my work and made it through another year of that but now comes finals week! I have assignments and exams galore this week and next, and unfortunately have not had a lot of time to write. new home chapter 50 is *nearly* done but isn't quite yet finished. hopefully, I have time to finish it before thursday but if not, i'll update next week! i'm so sorry for the inconsistency - I've just been so busy! thankfully, I've got some time off coming up before i start picking up more shifts at work and, later, the start of the spring semester. i've just got a lot going on! i still love to write and I still have every intention of completing new home, but part 3 might have to be delayed just a little bit!
          I'm so, so sorry - but your support means the world and more to me. meanwhile, I'm still hard at work at school working to become a better writer so that someday soon, you can read published novels of my own making.
          I'm terribly sorry again - I'll keep you all updated. thank you all so much for supporting me and my writing and for the continued patience! much love this holiday season! <3


Please don’t apologize for being busy! Not only is your writing more than worth the wait, but life is important :>
            Regardless, we always appreciate the updates just to know you’re doing okay ^^ wishing you luck with your assignments and exams!


lovies, I am alive!!!
          i am so sorry for a complete lack of updates from my end - I've just been so busy! that being said, I'll only be getting busier unfortunately, so I'm sorry to say I won't be terribly talkative from now through the end of the semester. I've said before that I've got lots to do with work and school, but there's just about a month left of this semester and we're on the cusp of my busybusy season at work - I work in a bakery and it turns out thanksgiving pies are popular?? crazy!
          aside from regular updates for New Home, everything else will be on the wayside, just for now. with that, when we reach chapter 50 of new home, we'll reach the end of part 2! I'll be taking a month break, maybe more, once that happens. I'll need to catch up and get ahead on updates before the next semester begins! we'll shoot for january 4  to begin the third part! 
          how've you all been, dearest darlings? i'm so sorry I haven't been chatty on here - but I still see, appreciate, and love all the support I've been getting from you all!!! <3


Hiiii, it’s so nice to hear something from you again! I hope you’re school/work schedule doesn’t stress you out too much, for that would be quite nasty:(( 
            Oh, and have you already watched the new Attack on Titan movie? If so, what’s your opinion of the ending? I personally really enjoyed how everything came together and completed itself in a beautiful circle:)) Really left me smiling wholeheartedly. 
            Anyways, I hope you’re well and get enough rest! Thank you for creating such masterpieces again btw!


lovies, time for an update!
          first off, I hope everyone's been having an incredible summer! as summer begins to wind down and fall approaches, I realize I've got some not-so-great news: updates may begin to slow down. big-time. unfortunately, circumstances lately have made it difficult to find time to write and, when there is time, motivation is typically low, as are ideas... which tends to be how it goes, sadly. 
          I haven't been able to get ahead in my writing as much as I'd have liked to. if this trend continues, I may have to stall New Home just for a bit. not only am I going back to in-person schooling for the first time since my freshman year of college, I'll be hopping right into the honors program. I've got classes four days a week, then work the other three days of the week. gotta pay the bills somehow!
          blah blah, no one cares. anyway! the point is i'm heading into a really busy season with classes, the busiest season of the year at work, and my other obligations and such. but I will still find some time to write - I have a few breaks between classes through the week and an hour commute there and back each day so... that's fun!
          anyway, thank you all so much for your patience. I know I promised so much and haven't fulfilled a lot of it - but right now I'm working on New Home, an angsty special for B&W, and some other special little projects. so! there's fun stuff coming... eventually.
          anyway, love you all so, so much. thank you all for reading and, as always, I'll see you in the next update. <3


Oof that sounds stressful, I wish you the best and good luck and don’t forget to get some rest, ok?;)


@SwordArtWhovian Don't stress and have fun!


as I'm writing I'm learning very quickly that I need to stop loving characters with names that are so similar because this is getting so tedious
          currently writing for New Home, and each time I go to write Link's name I end up accidentally putting Levi or Leon instead I can't handle this
          really just about to ignore the name entirely and just go back and fix it all at once because this is so annoying lmfao
          they're not even similar characters?? we've got aloof and dutiful soldier Levi, bubbly and bright swordsman Link, then wise-cracking and sarcastic Leon
          this just goes to show that maybe I should not fixate on so many things all at once, for one thing, because I'm trying to catch up on writing for New Home while also planning a Leon Kennedy story while also writing a (surprise!) special for Blue and White
          anyway that's how my day is going also if anyone is seeing the arctic monkeys in boston in september i'll be there so say hi
          anyway love you bye <3


Hi.I just came to ask if anyone can read chapter 36 of new home because for some reason I can't.I don't know if it's a me thing or something else.Idk just asking for help


hihi! it’s not just you - I published it then took it back down because I forgot I was supposed to take a week break! it’ll be up next week for real!