
Hey guys, I know it been a long time since Ive updated and I apologize. I know you don't want to here excuses but here comes one anyway.. I'm only a freshman in high school, and so far its been really hard adapting to projects every week and finals, a preparing for college stuff, and I'm just really stressed out and I haven't had enough time to update.. but my finals will be this Monday all through Friday, so after that week I should have a lot less stress, and some actual free time to type and make you guys happy! thanks for actually sticking around and reading my book and these authors notes, that's all for now!


Hey guys, I know it been a long time since Ive updated and I apologize. I know you don't want to here excuses but here comes one anyway.. I'm only a freshman in high school, and so far its been really hard adapting to projects every week and finals, a preparing for college stuff, and I'm just really stressed out and I haven't had enough time to update.. but my finals will be this Monday all through Friday, so after that week I should have a lot less stress, and some actual free time to type and make you guys happy! thanks for actually sticking around and reading my book and these authors notes, that's all for now!


Hey guys, so im sure you all have noticed I am a very slow updater, and I apologize for that. But I realized that I take so long mainly because I try to make my chapters as long as possible, so if you guys dont mind I was going to make my chapters shorter and just have more updates? Please give me feedback on this I would really appreciate it! 


Hey guys sorry if u got excited about updating, i was just editing a few chapters... I may have some free time this weekend but it depends on if Im baby sitting or not, and my break is on the 21 so count on some updates during that week! Thats all for now thanks for reading everyone!


Hey everyone i would just like to say good morning or night depending were you are in the world. I have some good news, I dont have school on Wednesday which means I should have lots of time to write! Also i would love it if u guys could go read my friends new books, she updates all the time, but could use a pick me up so ho read follow and rate her stories!!! Mk_ABP