
WTF WATTPAD, YOU DELETED TO PROTECT THE PRINCE???? Why are you doing this to me?! They did this with El Mascara Moon, so now they're doing this AGAIN. 
          	Damn, I really can't catch a break? I quit Wattpad, so I'm moving my ass over to AO3 at least they don't delete my stories without letting me know.


Oh no and what is ur username on ao3


WTF WATTPAD, YOU DELETED TO PROTECT THE PRINCE???? Why are you doing this to me?! They did this with El Mascara Moon, so now they're doing this AGAIN. 
          Damn, I really can't catch a break? I quit Wattpad, so I'm moving my ass over to AO3 at least they don't delete my stories without letting me know.


Oh no and what is ur username on ao3


WATTPAD DELETED ALL OF MY DRAFT!!!! I don't know why or how, but I swear to y'all that I didn't even touch it. Now what?! I have to rewrite them again, ugh goddamn it.


Oh no I sorry that happened to you 


@SxnnyandM00ny On the bright side, at least they didn't delete To Protect the Prince 


Chat I'm alive, but I'm afraid that I won't be making stories anymore because I'm an adult with lots of responsibilities  Although maybe one day I will pop out of nowhere and post new chapters, who knows?
          HOWEVER, You can borrow my stories and rewrite them in your own way, as long as you credit me or keep the plot the way it should be :3 


@SxnnyandM00ny chat, we'll miss you♡ 


Not happy with the results, but please stay strong for me ❤️ I will continue to pray for every single one of you. As a writer with an undocumented parents, I am afraid of America. It isn't a safe country anymore :(
          UNFOLLOW ME IF YOU SUPPORT TRUMP!! Right Now!! All of you, my poor babies, we shall pack our belongings and go... TO THE MOON ️‼️
          In seriousness, please don't take your life away from this. Keep going, if you ever need to talk, please come message me at Instagram or Twitter. (I do not have Discord) 


@SxnnyandM00ny I agree, I’m not from America but I’m praying that everyone in America is doing alright.
            I have tried to tell my parents (who said that Trump will be a good president) of the things he’s doing but they just won’t believe me because they take one look at a video and then judge it without looking through it all.
            I have too many friends in America and I fear for their safety due to some being gay and I think  trans, but! I agree with your words Sunny. 


@SxnnyandM00ny  Im sorry to hear about this!!!!
            Im from Canada so I don't really follow American politics, so idc who is in charge, but I will be praying for you and your country!!!
            Lots of Love and Support- Shadow


In my review for Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster... It's a 9/10. Do I want them to remaster Dead Rising 2 and Off the Record? Yes.
          Do I want Peter Flemming to come and play as Chuck? HELL YEAH!! PLZ MAKE LUCKE CANON/j  (Maybe rivals to friends to lover, cuz ain't no one give a damn about Stacy. Who even wants to give zombies the equal rights as us?? Girl, are you crazy LMAO)


I'm gonna make me a cai bot for you guys to distract yourself while I'm nearly done with the new chapter for To Protect the Prince. :]
          Then I'll reread for errors or confusion and then IT WILL FINALLY BE PUBLISHED!!!!! 


Yay I can’t wait to see it ☺️