
@AndrewT It's awesome. I'm playing a game at school called assasins and I'm so paranoid someone is going to "kill" me. I also am now the president of my schools Anime Club! Whoot whoot! So it's safe to say I'm having a blast. :D


X) X) X) X) X) X) Remember me? hehehahahahahohohoh hahahaha 
          the sicko pervert not really gun? X3 haha :P 
          I forget real people sometimes.. but somehow the people I met on wattpad I always remember our past conversations instantly! XO
          its been so loooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
          like me? :c
          jk lolol ol :P 
          :D How have you been? XD
          do you still even go on this website anymore? T- T