

Finally, the awaited My Sweet Naive Girl Chapter 14 is out! I am extremely sorry for the late update. A lot of things clashes with my schedule but I'm sure to bring Chapter 15 soon! Have a good read and don't forget to comment your thoughts, vote and share around! Have a great day everyone!


Hello! I've posted up Chapter 12 & 13 of My Sweet Naive Girl! Do enjoy it and of course comment, vote and share the joy around! Sorry about the late update!
          One more good news, I've started on My School Life.  Give it a read and tell me about it! I can't wait to hear your responses!


I just realised I have been on a hiatus for quite a while. Sorry and thank you for the wait! Finally, it's here! Do enjoy it and of course, not forgetting to comment, vote and share around! Last but not least, will try to keep updating My Sweet Naive Girl regularly! Thank you for the patience!