
Send love to @masquerade16 , they had to take down all their books bc ppl are morons so they could really use words of support<3
          	(Author of The Nerds, Raw, Broken Dollies and so much more)


Hey could you tell your awkward kissing story :)


@psyducktae THAT WAS FUNNY lol, imagine u have feelings for someone but once they kiss u , feelings die. OKAY that was funnnnyyy


@Sydburger oh ok ....the forehead part was hilarious  thanks for sharing❣️


@psyducktae It was after the end of a fun 8hr movie/cuddle session at my house and I was like, "it has been almost a month, I'm going to walk him to his truck so maybe he'll get the hint" so I did and after he threw his stuff in his truck he tried to be a gentlemen and was like "can I kiss you" and ofc I said yeah and giggled, BUT it was dark outside and he immediately went for it and I didn't realize and I smacked my forehead into his lips. I decided to make it even more awkward and went "you meant on the lips right? Hehe" dying on the inside. So he kissed me and it was a no tongue but I ended it after a hot minute and that was when I realized I did not like him. No butterflies. Awkward. Hated it all. We broke up abt a week later bc I cwas dying. I was friends with all of his guy friends and we are still besties now so it ended all good :) this was when I was 17


I bought wattpad premium bc there was a 3 month sale *clown emojj*


@xxdeeviexx but that was like a month ago


@xxdeeviexx it was when I re downloaded the app after uninstalling it for a cpl months to cleanse, and it was like 'WE DONT WANNA LOOSE YOU: $2.99/month for 3months' lol


When was there a sale??? *cries* I pay for premium already so they probably didn’t wanna offer me the sale *annoyed eye roll* 


Yall I had a weird ass taekook dream~
          So it was the seoul concert and Namjoon had uploaded some pics of taekook and explained how he had been shipping them for so long and a big paragraph explaining everything. The dream plans over to taekook doing a duet cover of One Way Lover by Eric Nam and they end the song on a pirate ship doing the iconic spiderman kiss scene, only taehyung is the one hanging upside down and jungkook kisses his forehead.
          I'm not a hardcore shipper by any means but this dream made me go crazy by how real I thought it was.


@ButterMyCorpse I mean with all the smut we've read, one would say it is understandable XD


@Sydburger I feel you bruh , I've had so many taekook dreams and they go way extreme ●_●