
Asalamualaykum boo! :* Soo you started reading TTM! How do you like it so far? ;) 


@Syedanaz Ooh yaas Husayn and Faraaz are both awesometastic! 
            Jenna is great :) 
            Awwww you think I am like Imaan? Stop makin my heart melt girl ;) 
            Haha I think I made him a bit more soft than I intended. He definitely has his . . .moments. I honestly didnt even intend for him to be so forward open lol I dont know what happened the moment I started writing lmboo


@IRahierI From the guys it would be a tie between Husayn and Faraaz. I would choose Jenna as I can relate to her a little. I love Imaan as well and her wisdom. She reminds me a little of you. 
            I am not going to say I don't like Hayder, but it is just that he is too forward and gets upset easily lol. He also stares too much making me feel uncomfortable. But now I know why he was being forward. I will just say he did not form a good first impression, lol


@IRahierI awww yay! So glad! From the guys, who do you like the most? And from the girls, whose your favorite? They're all my babies so I cant have a favorite lol 
            Ooh you dont like Hayder? Thats interesting. 
            Nah I dont see any spoilers lol


Asalamualaykum! :)  Its so easy to tell that you read the books I suggested  ;) Haha 
          Thanks btw for adding Qadr Allah to your want to read list. I think I'll finish that after I finish The Three Muslimahs :) Sorry but you'll have to wait a bit for that one.  But thanks for your support. I can't wait for you to read TTM! :) 


Walaikum Assalam!! Of course, after all you suggested them  lol! Yes inshaAllah, I will start on it once I am done with the one I'm reading now!! I can't wait :D 