
Hi guys, long time no see! As a freshman in college now (Allison), I wanted to switch things up on this page a little bit. If you have any interest, submit a journal entry to our email. I want to start posting other people's work along with my own to voice our opinions together. Your journal entry can be about anything- body image, politics, life in general, whatever you want! I think this a great platform for all of us to come together and say what we want to say. I will keep entries anonymous as long as you let me know in the email! I will also be grammatically editing the entries, other than that it will be as authentic as possible. I really encourage you to submit something and following along with this project. Thanks for listening! -Allison


Hi guys, long time no see! As a freshman in college now (Allison), I wanted to switch things up on this page a little bit. If you have any interest, submit a journal entry to our email. I want to start posting other people's work along with my own to voice our opinions together. Your journal entry can be about anything- body image, politics, life in general, whatever you want! I think this a great platform for all of us to come together and say what we want to say. I will keep entries anonymous as long as you let me know in the email! I will also be grammatically editing the entries, other than that it will be as authentic as possible. I really encourage you to submit something and following along with this project. Thanks for listening! -Allison


Hey, I couldn't find you guys on Instagram.. I'm guessing you probably changed/updated your username. But I wanted to send you a cover for your book SWTB. (although I didn't realise you haven't uploaded the book for 8 months.. so you might have stopped writing it, but you can still take it).


1- don't listen to the comment below mine, it's a scam-creates viruses once you click the link.
          2-I really like Soccer With The Boys and I have a question. What did you update recently, because the book said "Updated 3days ago." And I didn't get a notification. Did you start a new  chapter after 10, and the contest thing? Cuz if u did.. I didn't get the new chapter. 


Sorry, I know it's been quite a few months but we have updated it!


Ok not to be mean or anything, but if Soccer with the boys is under "major construction and editing"...then there is another sequel (Soccer star I think.) to SWTB that's not even finished and SWTB is only 4 chapters and the book isn't finished, how r u going to get it published, someone explain please? I don't get it.


We finished SWTB along time ago. When we finished it we started the sequel, Soccer Star. We decided to keep the sequel up for people who read the original before we took it down. We are still working on SWTB, but there will be at east four chapters up this week. Sorry for the confusion! 