Hi @Syfydk, in this I'll try to give an unbiased view on why there are so many differences between your stories.
First of all, there are a few factors that are completely independent of you:
- The platform's obscure ranking and sharing algorithm. Whatpad uses an algorithm to rank stories by "nobody knows", and being at the top of a popular tag leads to a lot of people finding out about the story, which leads to your story staying at the top.
- The shadow ban. Queued up in diapers was shadow banned when you posted it, and Sissy games is still shadow banned, which means it is not in the rankings, and the only way for people to discover it is to use your author page or be your follower. On the other hand, Anne's padded prison was top ranked for a long time when you posted it.
Some of the few things you could change that I think might help are:
- Post chapters in regular basics more than in batch:
You post all of Queued Up in Diapers I one day, but one of the things pepeoles and thus the algorithm like is regularity. Posting chapters in a longer run (say, weekly) allows the story to be considered active for a longer period of time. People who are subscribed to you will get more notifications (which will lead to more people reading it), and you will allow your story to stay in classement longer (the main discovery method used on wattpad).
- Use more use/related tags:
I'm talking specifically about Queued Up in Diapers here. The story is mostly ABDL. But the ABDL-related tags you used do not exist. I know it's weird, but diaperS is a tag diaper is not ... And it is still not clear if "diaper" tag counts as "diapers" tag. Also ABDL is no longer a tag. So your story won't show up in classic ABDL search tags. I think "diapered" would have been a good tag, "wetting" too.
This is what I think I understood about how wattpad works when I posted there.