
Hey hey! Update is live!
          	Chapter 5 of Letting It Happen is up! Hope you did a little stretching, because it's Wii Bowling Night!
          	This is a prompt fill for rachelisgroovy. You can read the prompt itself in the author's note at the start. Definitely short by my 8k words/chapter standard, but I'm always glad to put out some work, regardless of length. Give it a read if you have a couple minutes to spare!


Oh god‍♀️


Awwww thank you so much!!


          I was just curious if you would consider writing Shourtney fanfics again? I'm a huge fan of your work and have reread your stuff more times than I can count.
          I'd love to see your take on the current climate of Smosh or my personal favorite, a continuation of The Line We Built.
          Hope you are doing well!


Hey hey! Update is live!
          Chapter 5 of Letting It Happen is up! Hope you did a little stretching, because it's Wii Bowling Night!
          This is a prompt fill for rachelisgroovy. You can read the prompt itself in the author's note at the start. Definitely short by my 8k words/chapter standard, but I'm always glad to put out some work, regardless of length. Give it a read if you have a couple minutes to spare!


Oh god‍♀️


Awwww thank you so much!!


Happy Weekend Fellas! Update is live!
          Chapter 4 of Letting It Happen is up! We apologize if your menu is too sticky with syrup. Our mediocre pancakes will surely make up for that.
          This is the much requested immediate follow up to Shayne's blunder in Chapter 2: Together. I'm open to requests as usual, but please read the ending author's note before making one.
          Also just to keep things in order, I've added TLWB to the chapter titles for 2 and 4, to indicate they're part of the The Line We Built-verse, and SFA to 3 as part of the Searching For After-verse. I'll be doing that moving forward for other additions to those worlds, but I'm itching to do standalone oneshots at the moment. I'll catch y'all in the next update!


Hey hey! Update is, well, up!
          Chapter 3 of Letting it Happen is up! Strap on that plate carrier, because we're gonna need it where we're going.
          Okay, that being said, I'm gonna have to warn you to temper your expectations. This chapter won't be for everyone, and I dunno if even my Searching for After readers will particularly like this chapter. It's a slice of life kind of thing set during Shayne's time in the service. A bit of an experiment in writing for me, and written as much for myself as I did for you all. Might not be appealing to you guys. I talk about that a little more in the author's notes. Do give it a peek if it sounds interesting.


My dudes and dudettes and everyone in between!
          Chapter 1 of Letting It Happen is up! Behave and wear your mask! Don't think about making out with anyone!
          It feels good being able to make an announcement like that again. Letting It Happen is my new oneshot collection, and I'll once again say that I'm open for prompts. You can drop them in the replies below, or in a comment on the story itself. I hope you enjoy the read, and I look forward to writing a liiiittle more regularly. Have a great day now!


@SylvesterM1 oh, emojis don’t work, so :))) XD


@SylvesterM1 oh thank you so much man


@Rachelisgroovy followed using my shitposting account since it's my only anonymous one lmao
            I'll give the clips a look :)


Omg dude did u make your back round photo? It's so good


Oh that's strange. It works for me on Chrome


@kissmyassbish the page won't load :(


this message may be offensive
Hey hey guys!
          Tl;dr my next project will probably be a loose collection of oneshots and I'm accepting prompts in the comments.
          So after going on a binge of lurking through Shourtney fan accounts on the 'gram, I got a spritz or two of inspiration. It'll take me a little time to relearn who Shayne and Courtney "really" are after writing them in the Searching for After-verse for so long, but I'm optimistic I can nail the characterization down again.
          I'm thinking of starting a oneshot collection titled Letting it Happen, and I'm open to getting prompts from you guys for the stories. I can't promise to get around to everyone's requests since I'll have to toy around with the idea in my head, and I don't want to force anything - y'know to keep the quality of the writing high and all that.
          The prompts can be totally standalone. They could even be an AU setting like fantasy or some shit. I'm even open to prompts set in the Line We Built-verse and the Searching for After-verse, maybe as semi-canonical scenes taking place before, during, or after the respective stories. Again, subject to my final approval, but definitely up for consideration.
          I'll probably start dedicated writing for that in a couple of weeks. At the moment I'm still just cooling off and hopping back into my other hobbies, but I do want to start writing again. I also have been meaning to finally start reading the other stories on here, and will get around to it soon enough. That little art project I mentioned as my own good bye to Searching for After is still ongoing, and I'll share that when it's ready.
          In the meantime, I'd love to hear your prompts. Hope y'all are staying safe and doing well out there.


Hell. Yes.
            So, so excited for this!!!!
            Hope you’re well :)


Hey guys! Update is live!
          Chapter 42 of Searching for After, our final chapter and epilogue, is up! Bundle up, it's chilly out there!
          And thank you for all your support, from the bottom of my heart. This chapter's for you.


@Skywytie that's awesome to hear! Thanks for reading, and I'm glad to have had an impact with my writing :)


@SylvesterM1 This book will always have a special place in my heart.