I didn't wish to respond there when the argument had already closed. But, you were absolutely right. The way author has also mentioned that - he asked her to just undress and didn't have intention to sex. Don't you think when a person is mentally/physically incapable of understanding/giving consent, then it's called sexual assault? Even, there's nothing like thinking- it's considered Sexual assault in India. Touching someone in that way is sexual assault. Why do people not understand? :) And, there, Indeed- things could have been taught in a better way!
People are writing in comments that "people in India aren't still ready for sex education." Like, how can they be so blind to realise that what happened there was all wrong?
Imagine a child being taught by a male teacher in such a way- what will she think when she becomes older? Won't she cry remembering those days when that happened? Won't she think that things could have been taught in a better way and it was all wrong even if his intentions were right?
That's why, a sexual intimacy between an adolescent and adult is considered a rape. Because, they aren't mentally/physically capable of giving consent.
I mean- Shree would also cry if she later marries someone else. She would definitely think that she has been touched once. He really touched her clothed vagina, right?
It's true, that it's an imaginary story. But, personally, I didn't like Author's perspective and how the comments are about open mindedness.
Maybe, pornography has helped her. But, it isn't there in this world for providing sex education at the very first place. Very few people know. ;)
Have a good day!
Happy to know that we had same perspective! :DD
Looking forward to your reply,