
Due to some technical difficulties involving a fried computer and some lost data (thank you for nothing, you useless cooling pad) I do not know when I'll be able to make updates. My situation continues to get worse it seems. I also want to rewrite His and Her Confessions into a proper book, meaning I'll take time to really edit the plot and such. Unfortunately with my laptop having set on fire I'm not sure when I'll get around to any of my ambitions. 
          	Thank you for your understanding and have a great week day! I have off work all week so I'll see what I can do about this mess. See ya then!


@SynDr0id also I recommend checking out always human it's a webtoon, highly recommended reading it off of the line webtoon


@SynDr0id so when are we getting those updates....


So is it going to be posted?!! My withdraw from your series has reached phase 3 (I think that is the worst stage, or is it the stage of recovery?) Oh whatever what I'm trying to say need some updates man!!


@dominiqeu11 if you ever have a little bit of free time that you don't mind writing love just a post or two if you're willing


Due to some technical difficulties involving a fried computer and some lost data (thank you for nothing, you useless cooling pad) I do not know when I'll be able to make updates. My situation continues to get worse it seems. I also want to rewrite His and Her Confessions into a proper book, meaning I'll take time to really edit the plot and such. Unfortunately with my laptop having set on fire I'm not sure when I'll get around to any of my ambitions. 
          Thank you for your understanding and have a great week day! I have off work all week so I'll see what I can do about this mess. See ya then!


@SynDr0id also I recommend checking out always human it's a webtoon, highly recommended reading it off of the line webtoon


@SynDr0id so when are we getting those updates....


So I missed my update schedule time but ya know, life happens. Here's Fragmented Confessions chapter five!


this message may be offensive
@SynDr0id some chapters from His and Her Confessions were made with my phone because my computer is evil. Because the fan broke it'll occasionally make this clicking noise. Once I was at my friend's and it farted out a ton of dust and made a huge crunch sound. Scared the shit out of her and I was like, "yup. this is my shit laptop."


@SynDr0id lol, that sucks, well if all else fails you could be a cell phone novelist, or did those die out....


Man I can't wait for the court case chapter!!!


@dominiqeu11 yeah it's always sad to see a series end, but it is necessary for a new series begin. That or you'll get something like bleach, Slowly death of a good series.


@dominiqeu11 Next chapters up. Only a few left, I'm afraid. I'll update next, probably, Friday. 


Great I can message again now earlier I got 1131 error code, apparently there is a limit to messages on Wattpad


@dominiqeu11 what I was trying to say earlier was: where do you see the mark for offensive? Also I agree same thing goes for teachers most of the jobs that have a high impact on peoples are often underpaid you know unless you're a psychiatrist