-Layer lots of sheets on your bed and fill it with blankets, pillows, and plushies, make it as comfortable as possible, even spray it with perfume or something if you want, and make yourself as comfy as you can, and sleep through it as much as possible
-If you have to take medicine, take the correct dosage REALLY quickly, and if you're left with a bad taste, try to think of things about the taste that aren't that bad ''it's kinda sweet'' ''I see why they said grape flavor'' etc.
-Think about fresh, cool, relaxing things, dewdrops, crystals, the sea, things that calm you down
-If you have to go the hospital, pack a bag with basic things like your toothbrush and a plushie in case you have to sleep there, they'll let you bring in it and it makes it way less stressful
- If it's a 'I feel sick to my stomach' kind of thing, keep yourself distracted, have a bowl or trash can next to your bed just in case, and nibble on crackers or bread to settle it
- If your main problem is the runny nose and sore throat kind of symptoms, keep cough drops and tissues with you
- If you have drink power called Emergen-C, MIX IT WITH WATER OR JUICE AND DRINK IT. It makes a world of difference
-Use it to convince whatever parent/guardian you might live with to be extra nice to you (it probably won't work on siblings if you have any, though)