
Hello all, it's been a while, I've been writing more chapters and adding them here but keep forgetting to let you know, we're up to chapter 20 now! Hopfully some of you have been keeping up but if you haven't had a read since chapter 13 there's plenty to get your teeth into! https://www.wattpad.com/933701324-broken-halos-chapter-twenty-ninety-nine-red


Hi. I have a few new followers since I last checked in here. Thank you very much! Please do not be alarmed by the lack of new content on Broken Halos, as usual life got in the way. There will be more at some point. Just stick around.


          To the fantastic four that follow me, thank you very much indeed. You will be pleased to hear that Chapter 6 of Broken Halos is available now. All feedback is appreciated. Have a nice day and don't forget to tell your friends.