
UPDATE: I unpublished the only fic I’ve ever made I can‘t bear more people seeing how 13 y/o me acted like.


Y’all  I’d like to apologize for ALL the comments I’ve left in various fics. I wrote most of those around 2020. Some even around 2019. I was very immature back then and would make cringe and sometimes even offensive jokes. I was very young back then and often got involved in fandoms that brought the worst in me. 
          I’ve barely been online since 2021 and til this day I still get notifications of people answering my comments. Ignore them if you see any of them  please. I left those when I was underage and lacked a ton of maturity. Now I’m an adult. My personality and points of view are very different.
          The same goes for the only fic I’ve written: “Nosebleed: Toritsuka x reader”. I really don’t know what I saw in that man  If you’ve watched Saiki K, you know Toritsuka is a bit of a problematic character, to say the least. My immaturity is constantly reflected in the writing. As a previous Toritsuka fan, I encourage you to self-reflect a bit if he’s your fictional crush. I won’t be deleting the fic because some people enjoy it, but I won’t ever be updating it.
          I just wanted to clarify that. Hope you enjoy your upcoming summer 


Hello, y’all. I’m back after months to read my old cringe comments. 
          I'll be online for a day and then leave for some months again. (unless I find an actually good fic )
          Anyways, thanks for 1k reads on the story I'm not updating. It's nice knowing some people enjoy it for some reason. Love you ♥️


this message may be offensive
What the fuck. I return to Wattpad after a long time to read my old comments and I just want to know what I was high on. 


@fruitychew ikr i just cringe rach time i see an old comment 


Some are low-key funny, but they’re mostly concerning.