Just here for Evan
my future husband, Evan, Fiance @XxKxllingmesoftlyxX
My gore child, Mars, little annoyance @GoreBby
Cinnabun child, Jayden, giggle boi @Just_The_Gay_King
Our somewhat child, Zach, golden angel @AngelBunzy
Into Gorey things. Guro art is nice too.
75% wild hair
24% Monster
1% Human
0% interested in your shit
T-77 Sogin. Or just Sogin. Won't answer to anything else, especially that name. If you know which name then don't use it. If not, don't ask.
Location actually means something. __ are spaces
  • 9'__5)3__(497':__:3-:
  • Дата регистрацииMay 12, 2018


Последнее сообщение
T77TZZX8 T77TZZX8 May 21, 2018 06:38PM
If it wasn’t for you I’d be dead Evan. The kind of days like this reminds me of it. Making you breakfast in bed, banging (fuck yes), falling asleep with you in my arms and waking up with you safely a...
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Истории от -/..\-T-77-/..\-
YouTube Shit 2 от T77TZZX8
YouTube Shit 2
Because 50 videos in one story is enough
How We Got Where We Are от T77TZZX8
How We Got Where We Are
The pictures that gave us names. And made us look badass. Can't remember who did them, it's been years but th...