/ now ive got an interesting idea
          	Pick a symbol to receive your starter
          	♣️ spades
          	♥️ heart
          	♦️ diamonds
          	♠️ clubs




this message may be offensive
/ so sorry for how late this is
          Ev was working on his car, as per usual. But today he was having a hard time focusing— and the extra noise was not making it any easier. He held his tongue, hating when he lost his temper but eventually he couldn’t. “Could you sit there and be quiet?! I can’t fucking focus with you doing all of that.”, he snapped before exhaling and turning back to what he was doing, muttering a bunch of other complaints to himself. 


     " Hello , I'm doctor Wilson . I will be your doctor for the day . So you're in here forrr ? " Soft brown eyes shot up to meet hers , a bit of confusion settled on his features


            The silvernette walked slowly over to the examination table, stopping by with subtle smirk on the lips, hand pressed against his side.
            "Oh, It's nothing to be worried about. The paramedics insisted that I'm checked out despite me saying very clearly i was feeling allright. The irony is doctor, Im your fellow colleague so I came over.
            I suppose you wanna hear what made them drag me over."
            He mused with amusement in his tone, raising his shirt, revealing faint bruising above his ribs.
            " My breathing is allright, i feel slight pain, but that's expected upon the bruising. I was crossing a path when a cyclist ran me over. It happened like 3hours ago. No other symptoms appeared ever since"
            He announced carelessly before taking a seat on the chair across, looking at the doctor curiously


“Take your shoes off at the door, no shoes allowed in the studio.” The blonde stood, watching him with their hands on their hips. “Do you have the suit? Change into it and we can get started.”


            "Oh. That explains the precision. Ive almost had you for a machine for a second. Nevermind then."
            He gave a small nod, following behind, removing his clothes, small hiss leaving his lips as he ran hand over his hip, frowning softly, over the faint scars he received in the games. He's been pretty lucky compared to many other players, but still marked, something to remember his time in the games still.
            He reached for his suit, taking on the pants, shirt, jacket slowly, walking out, facing the other.
            It's been two toned, Black and grey, silky. Just like Chishiya, smooth but two clever to reveal his true intentions to others and expose himself.
            He offered Satin small smile, raising his hands slightly.
            "So? What do you say? What changes spark your mind? I believe in your taste so Im gonna go with whatever sparks your mind"
            He announced reass2


            “Yea go behind that screen over there.” They pointed to a little changing section before arching An eyebrow. 
            “It’s not the same type of stitching so I doubt it, plus a sewing machine did those.” 


            Chishyia's eyebrow raised questionably, smirking to himself before removing his shoes.
            "Of course i have it, Satin. Is there somewhere i can get changed?"
            He asked curiously, glancing around in wonder, faint smirk on the lips.
            Eventually he left over to the mannequin, looking closely at the work on display with admiration.
            "Your stitching is pretty flawless. It'd certainly pass surgery 101"
            He joked, sending the blonde small smirk, holding his suit under right arm. 


“Hello?…I had asked if you were alright. I guess you zoned out?”


            The silver haired guy slowly looked up to the man with indifferent gaze, taking a breathe.
            "That's very considerate of you. Ive been thinking, when I get deep in thought, I usually zone out for a moment. It must've happened to you too, as long as you're using your brain for more than basal needs"
            He mocked the other, smirking to himself


"My apologies, you seem new, as I don't recall ever meeting you. How can I help you with whatever you may need?"


"Depending on what it'll be used for, and if it harms anyone I know it might be a problem." 
            Neil was a tiny bit annoyed but didn't show a reaction indicating that, the cockiness and carelessness definitely added to his annoyance. But it was something he had dealt with in the past.
            "How would you know about there possibly being a rat? Since it would be a bit odd for you to somehow know information such as that." Understandably he was curious, seeming interested in what was said. It wasn't every day a person would say that to him out of nowhere, especially if they just met.


            "You'll see when the time is right, don't worry"
            He stated cockily in his monotone calm tone with careless smirk on the lips.
            Believe it or not, there's a rat in the group."
            Dark eyes sinked into the man, seizing him curiously, and tilting head slightly to the side. 


"That might be easy to acquire, what do you need all that for? If you don't mind me asking."
            While he was fine with helping out people, sometimes he'd just like to know beforehand why they might need it to be on the safe side. Especially if people started talking.


Billy sat back while he watched the other, eyebrows raised. “Now what the hell are you doing?” He questioned his curiosity only growing since he didn’t have a good view whatsoever.
          “Come on you know you can tell me.”
          He pressured the other now getting up from his seat slowly walking over, gaze flickering. “Why must you be so stubborn? Don’t glare at me like that. I can and will still beat your ass whether you think I will or not. Don’t test me.” He warned.


            Grunting quietly he spun around to look at the other, eyes narrowing at him. “What’s it to you?” He huffed quietly his temper slowly rising. He was always very short tempered but that’s just how he was now thanks to his shitty father.
            His gaze flickered between Chishyia’s facial features and then down at the tray he had brought into the room, observing it closely. A small scowl began to form across his face only seeming to get more irritated.
            He then mumbled some colorful choice of words underneath his breath.


            He returned with tray with cup of tea, cup of coffee, sugar and milk.
            Setting it down slowly, he took a seat, reaching for his cup now, glancing down its hot content in thought. 
            "So, are you gonna, tell me what makes you so eager on empty threats? Is it just a kink or you have anger issues?" 
            He arched an eyebrow, inhaling scent of his tea and taking a sip


            Billy remained where he had been being completely stubborn now. Yeah no one got to boss him around and get away with it, that’s not how he rolled at all. The blonde grumbled crossing his arms over his chest.
            Thinking to himself he eventually rummaged around the room not having anything better to do really. He did what he wanted and didn’t care if he was invading anyone’s privacy. He didn’t have a sense of morality really.
            Humming to himself a look of amusement formed across his face.