this message may be offensive
Okay. It's been two years since I've been on this god forsaken website and I'm going to tell y'all some things I wished I knew going into this: 1. Get off the damn site. You will regret it and your friends make fun of you because it was dumb. Like, your friends should make fun of you in high school for this. 2. Live a little. Go outside. DO YOUR FREAKING HOMEWORK! 2. Any smut written in these books is totally fake and is just erotic literature and somehow even faker than actual porn. Do not get your sex education from this and do not think that 12 year olds having sex is okay. Pedophilia, rape, and honestly whatever the fuck these stories have in them anymore is disgusting and needs to stop being romanticized. Thanks :) 3. On a related note, y'all 12 year olds don't even know what sex is, so stop writing about it. It's pretty gross and pathetic to be brutally honest. 4. Don't get excited about a bunch of people reading your books. It doesn't actually mean anything. If you want to actually be a writer talk to your Language Arts teacher about entering some contests or something. This isn't the place for you to ever learn how to write. 5. I'm telling you right now, whatever the reason is why you are here on this site, it is MOST definitely a phase. Yup, your parents were right. Boo hoo. SO ya. Get off the site and live a childhood cause you will regret it very quickly.