*             BUT     I      TRULY      AM      MY
          	PARENTS'      CHILD..           ❪ㅤinfoㅤ‎❫
          	...dark & mature themes mentioned


.͟ ͟ .͟ ͟ .͟       TIDBITS        :   
          	  &&.ㅤㅤ‎after   becoming   the   gray   son,   dick   would   hold   a   lot   of   power   in   gotham   for   quite   some   time.   however,   he   still   went   under   tons   of   brainwashing   to   make   sure   those   implanted   memories   stayed   in   tact.
          	  &&.      most   of   the   lower   ranking   talons,   and   others,   are   placed   in   hibernation   chambers   until   they   are   needed.   the   purpose   of   this   is   so   that   they   may   survive   for   centuries.   dick   is   put   in   one   monthly   so   his   brainwashing   can   take   place   without   a   chance   of   interruption.
          	  &&.     if   his   brainwashing   process   happened   to   be   interrupted,   there'd   be   a   strange   side   effect.   he'd   become   physically   very   detached,   unable   to   show   much   emotion   outside   of   what   is   required,   but   some   of   his   real   memories   may   surface.   he'd   be   trapped   inside   a   wall   of   himself,   unable   to   express   much   as   he   felt   everything   he   wasnt   able   to   before.
          	  &&.      ric,   richard,   and   gray   son   are   more   commonly   used   than   dick   or   nightwing.
          	  &&.     he   still   has   a   little   of   his   true   personality,   causing   him   to   sneak   out   from   hibernation   nights.   this   is   rare   and   confusing   for   him   as   he   gets   pieces   back   from   his   past.   especially   when   memories   of   bruce   come   up.
          	  **   i   am   still   working   out   the   kinks!   this   all   is   subject   to   change.


.͟ ͟ .͟ ͟ .͟       FILE,   PART   THREE        :   
          	       whether   or   not   the   batfamily   knew   of   his   whereabouts,ㅤㅤ‎he   didn't   know.ㅤㅤ‎he   only   thought   about   the   next   task,ㅤㅤ‎the   next   ADVANCEMENT.ㅤㅤ‎william   gave   him   personal   attention,ㅤㅤ‎doing   his   best   to   assure   dick's   rise   as   the   next   GRAY   SON.
          	  ㅤㅤ‎his   next   run-ins   with   the   batfamily   didn't   result   in   much.ㅤㅤ‎they   were   STRANGERS   to   him.ㅤㅤ‎replaced   by   faux   memories   of   growing   up   with   the   court,ㅤㅤ‎memories   of   KILLING.
          	  ㅤㅤ‎HE   WOULD   REPLACE   COBB   AS   THE   GRAY   SON,ㅤㅤ‎proving   the   prophecy   right.


.͟ ͟ .͟ ͟ .͟       FILE,   PART   TWO        :   
          	       DICK   GRAYSON   IS   MISSING.     having   gone   radio   silent   after   going   out   on   patrol,ㅤㅤ‎he   wasn't   heard   from.ㅤㅤ‎TALON   knew   it   was   the   right   time   for   dick   to   "    EMBRACE   A   NEW   PAST   AND   PRESENT.    "
          	       memories   were   taken   and   replaced,ㅤㅤ‎some   repressed   down   where   he   could   no   longer   reach   them.ㅤㅤ‎fitted   a   pair   of   goggles   that   were   actually   SYNAPTIC   RECEIVERS,ㅤㅤ‎the   dick   grayson   that   gotham   knew   was   GONE.ㅤㅤ‎he   was   trained   in   their   labyrinth,ㅤㅤ‎of   which   was   both   a   MAZE   and   an   ARENA.ㅤㅤ‎he   had   to   successfully   defeat   a   talon   and   prove   his   unquestioning   LOYALTY   to   the   court.ㅤㅤ‎PROPHOSIZED   TO   BE   THE   GREATEST   TALON,ㅤㅤ‎he   proved   himself   quickly.
          	  ㅤㅤ‎proving   to   be   a   fantastic   ASSASSIN,ㅤㅤ‎dick   was   climbing   the   court   latter.ㅤㅤ‎unbeknownst   to   him,ㅤㅤ‎he   was   being   PRIMED   to   lead.


   /     then you shall have ..  whatever this qualifies as!
          the whole situation was  ..  perplexing  ,  to say the least. when he had been briefed on the mission he had immediately gained various questions. ones he would not dare ask  ,  as that would only be seen as disrespect. but  why  would  THE LEAGUE  ever take a joint task with  THE COURT  ?  assassins and owls did not complement one another. "of course it would be  you  I am forced to coexist with."


"the amount does not matter. if death finds you  ,  you were better off dead to begin with." a quote he often heard. at first it had wounded him  ,  now  —  he believed it. his mouth became a tense line  ,  luckily hidden under the partial face covering. speaking so many words was foreign to him  ,  it felt displaced. the assassin's of the league   knew   all of this  —  there had never been a need to explain it. if there was  ,  they used hands signs  ,  no words were ever exchanged. he was used to silence. he didn't know if he liked the noise  ...  he shouldn't  ,  but it's an interesting change. 
            ( 2 / 2 )   /     I'm suing wp for its word limit.


            in a rare show of emotion  ,  his head tilted to show his curiosity. his face reminded at a standstill  —  the action a mirror to what he had witnessed others do. the ability to act was vital  ,  even among the league. it was important to be able to mimic the emotions he wasn't feeling. the thought of waiting  ,  wasting time to watch  ,  made his skin itch in an uncomfortable way. he would do it if needed  ,  but he much preferred quick methods. (  his preferences didn't matter. if the owl thought it best to lurk  ,  then he would do just that  ). yet  ,  here the owl was  ,  asking for his input. the vessel can't recall if that had   ever   happened prior.
            "in the league  ,  all of our senses are trained. it allows us to determine a battlefield without being present on it." years of attempted assassinations  (  his mother slipping poison into his food  ,  a member he was comfortable with  —  attempting to pierce his heart  ) ,  sneak attacks  (  he still sleeps with a knife under his pillow  ,  hand possessively gripping the hilt  ) ,  grueling training  —  all subjected by the league. "if we get closer I will be able to pinpoint the number of targets and an area of where they stand. I would then go in and commence the extermination." because that's all it was. beriding the world of pests. vile things that deserved their end  ,  merely because they had forsaken the league. 
            ( 1 / 2 )


@decipher-  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀richard   would   pause   to   think   about   it.   he   usually   began   missions   with   a   thorough   amount   of   background   information—-   studying   up   on   the   target,   watching   each   and   every   one   of   their   moves,   and   finally   hitting   them   where   they'd   feel   it.   through   finances,   family,   or   even   power.   he   was   ashamed   to   say   he   didn't   have   much   information   yet,   as   this   whole   ordeal   had   been   abruptly   thrust   into   his   attention.   and   while   he   could   recommend   just   that,   stalking   and   waiting   for   the   perfect   plan   of   attack,   he   also   thought   of   something   else.
            ㅤㅤ‎the   owls   were   predatory,   watching   and   waiting   to   move.   but   the   league..   they   cut   right   to   the   point.   NO   PUN   INTENDED.   and   there   was   an   unexplainable   yearning   to   try   it   their   way   for   once.   get   his   hands   dirty   in   a   way   that   was   foreign   to   him.   his   role   did   not   often   require   it,   despite   being   trained   for   it.   most   complied   at   the   mere   sign   of   the   owl.   something   gnawed   at   the   back   of   his   brain.ㅤㅤ‎“    i'd   suggest   watching,   noting   their   moves   over   a   period   of   time.   but   i   am..   CURIOUS   to   know   what   you'd   suggest.   ”ㅤㅤ‎a   bold   statement,   but   one   that   he   meant.
            * ⸝⸝⸝   YOU ATE THAT UP


" what ?   no offence but can you leave ?   sometimes a man just needs to bleed in an alleyway alone . "


@-hoodsreborn  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀“    you   asked   me   to   find   more   about   your   brother,   did   you   not?   ”ㅤㅤ‎he   hummed,   kneeling   in   front   of   jason.


            jason groaned , half tempted to throw something at the talon .   he sat up , holding a hand to his side .   " can you come back later ? "   he asked , even if he was already about 95% sure of the answer he was going to receive .


@-hoodsreborn  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀"  i'm   sure   you'd   like   to   continue   this   strange   hobby   alone,   but   i   have   questions.   you   have   answers.  "


"how did someone like  you  end up with the court?  with your background  ,  it doesn't seem to fit."


@decipher-  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀it   couldn't   be.   if   only   for   the   fact   his   own   BLOOD   still   lived   within   the   court,   he   didn't—-   WOULDN'T   believe   a   word   that   the   other   spewed.   though,   his   own   doubt   surrounding   his   past   seemed   to   bubble   under   the   surface   of   his   mind.   but   that   was   a   fact   he'd   keep   hidden   from   the   assassin.   "  a   robin?   have   you   not   any   creativity   to   construct   a   more   believable   lie?  "   he   wondered.ㅤㅤ‎the   COURT   of   course   would   deny   this,   stew   in   worry   about   the   interference   with   the   gray   son.   something   richard   grew   blind   to   over   the   years.ㅤㅤ‎"  i   was   crafted   in   the   eyes   of   the   court.   there   was   no   BAT.  "


            it was with suitable effort that he kept his feet planted in place. he did not  fear  what the other could do  ,  only what punishment he would gain if he made enemies with the court by obstructing their prized  GRAY  SON. as much as the teen was unmerciful to others  ,  perhaps he treated himself just the same  ,  because he couldn't stop the words despite what may follow.  "I am in a place where I am allowed access to the  files  of any opposing force we have.  you  have quite a big one  ..  "  the file had been written in both his mother's and grandfather's penmanship. at the time  ,  he had childishly wondered why an unknown deserved such attention  ,  when his own was only tended to by his teachers. "you were not always an owl. you started off as a   robin  —  right beside batman. have they ruined you enough that you recall  none  of that?"


@atychiphxbia-  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀the   goading   did   little   in   the   face   of   such   obvious   lies.   he   knew   the   other   only   wished   to   see   him   come   undone.   unravel   at   the   thought   that   his   spot   at   the   top   of   the   court   was   on   SHAKY   ground.   "  if   it'll   get   you   to   stop   these   useless   ramblings,   i   encourage   you   to   speak   your   mind.  "   the   talon   would   respond,   his   gaze   never   leaving   the   assassin.


  you shouldn't be here.


@hertcxins  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀the   very   SOIL   beneath   gotham   is   for   us.   the   gardens   are   no   exception.   it'd   behoove   you   to   remember   that.


  no,  i..  i know who you are.   the gardens are not  /for/  you.


@hertcxins  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀have   you   no   idea   who   i   am,   lavender?   or   have   you   forgotten   that   the   court   requires   NO   permission   from   outsiders.


"you are  not  a target I have been given. if you wish to keep it that way  ,  you will answer truthfully.  why  have you been following me?"


            "I do not   care   what it was   meant   to be. further words against my being will put you in a situation I assure you will   not   enjoy." he moved his hands to clench them together behind his back. a desperate attempt to stop displaying such an obvious weakness. the   humor   that he could pick up from the other only further served to dampen his restraint. the only thing that kept him from attacking were the mission rules that had been engraved into him before he departed from the league. this   fool   was not apart of the task at hand  —   he was only wasting his time on him. "now   stop   following me. I do not waste my time on such insolent vermin."


@decipher-  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀he   did   not   miss   the   opening   and   closing   of   his   hands,   for   the   owl   rarely   missed   a   thing.   even   as   they   muddled   his   brain   for   sport.ㅤㅤ‎“    it   was   not   meant   to   be   implicit.   ”ㅤㅤ‎he   offered.   a   slight   tinge   of   humor   would   lace   his   inflection,   as   much   as   he   was   allowed   to   express   anyway.   there   was   a   brief   thought   to   joke   of   his   stature—-   but   he   refrained.   it   was   in   neither   of   their   best   interests.


            the implication that he was not knowledgeable enough to understand their means was fuel to a slowly building fire. a pit hidden within his soul  ,  one he stubbornly covered. he opened and closed his hands  —  a tic he thought had been whipped out of him.  "there are few things that are above  me  and the court is  not  one of them." as if he would be below such a thing, "are you implying that I should have just  allowed  you to follow me? you can hardly conceal your presence  ,  the sight of you is enough to indicate badgering."


         ``   woah ,  woah  !  what  has silly little me done  to get  the attention  of a talon  ? `` 


@fallcnbird  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀his   brows   would   furrow   for   a   moment   or   two,   almost   as   if   debating   something   internally.   "  he's   not   to   be   harmed.   or   it'll   be   the   last   stunt   you   pull.  "   his   arms   lay   at   his   sides,   tension   pulling   his   muscles   into   one   tough   mass.   there   seemed   to   be   nothing   readable   on   his   face,   even   as   the   other   taunted   and   grinned.   he   knew   the   power   of   the   court,   he   LIVED   through   the   power   of   the   court.   "  we   will   not   ask   again.  "


     a hum of acknowledgment would  leave the  male at this , his  blue eyes  scanning the other  for just a second .  ``   hm ,  so I  did  .  what of it  ?  it's  not like he is  dead  .  ``  a grin would form , no hint of care on his face  . shoot , he probably should've  been afraid since this was a talon  , but  he couldn't bring himself to care  . it was fun ; almost thrilling to him . and besides there was something almost familiar  about  this one  , but  he didn't try to put his finger on it   . not right now anyways  . 


@fallcnbird  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀beneath   golden   rimmed   glasses,   richard's   eyes   hovered   on   the   other.   his   body   was   stiff,   coiled   like   a   beast   on   the   prowl.   "  you   targeted   the   mayor.  "   his   voice   was   flat,   even.   one   end   of   the   spectrum   whilst   the   other   was   at   the   opposite.


*             BUT     I      TRULY      AM      MY
          PARENTS'      CHILD..           ❪ㅤinfoㅤ‎❫
          ...dark & mature themes mentioned


.͟ ͟ .͟ ͟ .͟       TIDBITS        :   
            &&.ㅤㅤ‎after   becoming   the   gray   son,   dick   would   hold   a   lot   of   power   in   gotham   for   quite   some   time.   however,   he   still   went   under   tons   of   brainwashing   to   make   sure   those   implanted   memories   stayed   in   tact.
            &&.      most   of   the   lower   ranking   talons,   and   others,   are   placed   in   hibernation   chambers   until   they   are   needed.   the   purpose   of   this   is   so   that   they   may   survive   for   centuries.   dick   is   put   in   one   monthly   so   his   brainwashing   can   take   place   without   a   chance   of   interruption.
            &&.     if   his   brainwashing   process   happened   to   be   interrupted,   there'd   be   a   strange   side   effect.   he'd   become   physically   very   detached,   unable   to   show   much   emotion   outside   of   what   is   required,   but   some   of   his   real   memories   may   surface.   he'd   be   trapped   inside   a   wall   of   himself,   unable   to   express   much   as   he   felt   everything   he   wasnt   able   to   before.
            &&.      ric,   richard,   and   gray   son   are   more   commonly   used   than   dick   or   nightwing.
            &&.     he   still   has   a   little   of   his   true   personality,   causing   him   to   sneak   out   from   hibernation   nights.   this   is   rare   and   confusing   for   him   as   he   gets   pieces   back   from   his   past.   especially   when   memories   of   bruce   come   up.
            **   i   am   still   working   out   the   kinks!   this   all   is   subject   to   change.


.͟ ͟ .͟ ͟ .͟       FILE,   PART   THREE        :   
                 whether   or   not   the   batfamily   knew   of   his   whereabouts,ㅤㅤ‎he   didn't   know.ㅤㅤ‎he   only   thought   about   the   next   task,ㅤㅤ‎the   next   ADVANCEMENT.ㅤㅤ‎william   gave   him   personal   attention,ㅤㅤ‎doing   his   best   to   assure   dick's   rise   as   the   next   GRAY   SON.
            ㅤㅤ‎his   next   run-ins   with   the   batfamily   didn't   result   in   much.ㅤㅤ‎they   were   STRANGERS   to   him.ㅤㅤ‎replaced   by   faux   memories   of   growing   up   with   the   court,ㅤㅤ‎memories   of   KILLING.
            ㅤㅤ‎HE   WOULD   REPLACE   COBB   AS   THE   GRAY   SON,ㅤㅤ‎proving   the   prophecy   right.


.͟ ͟ .͟ ͟ .͟       FILE,   PART   TWO        :   
                 DICK   GRAYSON   IS   MISSING.     having   gone   radio   silent   after   going   out   on   patrol,ㅤㅤ‎he   wasn't   heard   from.ㅤㅤ‎TALON   knew   it   was   the   right   time   for   dick   to   "    EMBRACE   A   NEW   PAST   AND   PRESENT.    "
                 memories   were   taken   and   replaced,ㅤㅤ‎some   repressed   down   where   he   could   no   longer   reach   them.ㅤㅤ‎fitted   a   pair   of   goggles   that   were   actually   SYNAPTIC   RECEIVERS,ㅤㅤ‎the   dick   grayson   that   gotham   knew   was   GONE.ㅤㅤ‎he   was   trained   in   their   labyrinth,ㅤㅤ‎of   which   was   both   a   MAZE   and   an   ARENA.ㅤㅤ‎he   had   to   successfully   defeat   a   talon   and   prove   his   unquestioning   LOYALTY   to   the   court.ㅤㅤ‎PROPHOSIZED   TO   BE   THE   GREATEST   TALON,ㅤㅤ‎he   proved   himself   quickly.
            ㅤㅤ‎proving   to   be   a   fantastic   ASSASSIN,ㅤㅤ‎dick   was   climbing   the   court   latter.ㅤㅤ‎unbeknownst   to   him,ㅤㅤ‎he   was   being   PRIMED   to   lead.