You like doctor who, SnK, anime, destiel, jeanmarco, johnlock... AAAALLLL MY LIFE I'VE BEEN I'VE BEEN I'VE BEEN SEARCHING FOR SOMEONE LIKE YOUUU
Do you ship Sherlolly too?
Hey, at least you have a working library card, I have so much money I need to pay... I'm surprised they don't have a wanted poster with my face on it at the library :/
^^that person which responded is my friend, we share accounts.
Awwww I know how that feels!
By the was this is Myra, the other half of TARDIS101
You usually talk to Anora, but we work together on stories.
No, we do not have multiple personality disorder.
@TARDIS101 I'm not that into it, either, but apparently Puella Magi is a total shift in terms of what usually happens, and it's true!
The ending was just I can't really explain. It left me feeling so many things.