First of all sorry to my all readers for changing cover back to back
I hope it will not create any issue
Well , I changed it because "now I want to write sincerely"
When I started writing I don't have any expectations
It's just a story "for me by me"
But now as you all are reading it
I don't want to disappoint you all
I know I don't become writer intentionally
But now I am a writer
I know I messed up in starting chapters as firstly I only used to think as a reader but now I accept myself as a writer wholeheartedly
Being a sincere writer
Today I wants to promise my readers
•now on I will write chapters cautiously
I will not write them with a attitude "I just have to complete the story"
•I will not write short chapters until it's needed
•I will try my best to maintain the schedule of my Chapter
Trust me "I am a woman of my words"
Thankyou so much ♥️
I hope I don't took your too much time