
Usually Sci Fi / Fantasy.  Not sure how to write anything else...and sure definitely not writing a romance.  I may be romantic..but don't know how I'd even write one.  lol  Maybe a techno-thriller / computer novel (mystery)?


Hello Sir TBruce, I'm SirSearon an ambassador for the men of wattpad. Together we have united and created a club on wattpad for all of us to chat.Women are also welcome there to ask us specific questions or our opinions on matters.As well as finding the men of wattpad since we are such a rarity as 90% of wattpad is female.Please check out our club page and become a member and see the topics we discuss.<br>
          We also have a profile page for The Pub, where we are posting interviews of the men that write,as well as a library that we are still working on deciding what to include into it. We'd love for you to take a look at the club and the profile, and we'd love to welcome another man into our ranks. (: <br>
          Sincerely, Craig A. Price Jr. (SirSearon)


Usually Sci Fi / Fantasy.  Not sure how to write anything else...and sure definitely not writing a romance.  I may be romantic..but don't know how I'd even write one.  lol  Maybe a techno-thriller / computer novel (mystery)?