I may or may not…have a draft going???


the snapchat story made me cry at 9am- BUT it was the best fuckin story ever dude i was LATCHED on to that story. i personally thought it was written very well and will be reread in the future:) also where is the sequel-


IM SO SAD RN, I JUST FINISHED READING THE SNAPCHAT STORY AND OMG I WAS IN CLASS WHILE I READ THE ENDING AND I STARTED TO FRICKING CRY. The story was so good, but the abrupt ending made me so sad >:((. Also uhh, where can I find the sequel? It's not on your page :<. I JUST LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH. 
          P.S I'm sorry for curing in the comments before


I can’t find it either


Are you alive still? i'm sorry im just so invested into snapchat i-