
          	I know I said that I would post January 17 and 18 for the new stories however I am extending it to one more week to catch up on my writings. So the new dates will be Jan 24 for Way Out in BiField and Jan 25 for IceSpades.


          Now that IceSpades and Way Out in BiField are released, this is how I plan on updating my content. 
          I'm waiting 3 weeks to catch up on my writings. After my 2 week period, I will upload regularly every week. I also plan on releasing both stories on separate days.  So starting Jan 17, I will release another chapter of  Way Out in BiField and Jan 18 I'll release another chapter of IceSpades. Really excited for these two and I can't wait to see what you guys think.


Happy Holidays to all of my followers (all 3 of them lol). Life has been doing a lot on my end. I traveled to a new city for a job in my career field. I am adjusting to my new lifestyle and it is different to say the least. With that I haven't been able to work on my debut stories and writing like I was suppose to. So I am making the executive decision to make my debut on New Years Day. The two stories that I have out now are what I plan on dropping. Stay tuned!!


Happy holidays and Happy New Year


Happy Holidays to you as well 


Had a chance to talk to a childhood inspiration of mine. It was so amazing because I sent out a lengthy letter and they were able to send out a response back. It feels nice talking to my childhood heroes/inspirations now that I am an adult. So shout out to them!!